Autosplitter for almost every DOOM speedrunning source ports
If you have any questions then feel free to write them to me(Discord - keyboardcrash#7833)
First way (recommended):
- Right click Livesplit
- Select "Edit Splits"
- If the "Game Name" field is empty then fill it with "Ultimate Doom" (or Doom II), otherwise skip to step 4
- Activate the splitter by clicking the "Activate" button beside the Splitter information text
Second way (manual method):
- Download the splitter from
- Right click Livesplit
- Select "Edit Layout"
- Click on Add (plus sign) -> Control -> Scriptable Auto Splitter
- Double click the newly available Scriptable Auto Splitter entry in your Layout elements list
- Click on Browse next to the "Script Path" field then locate the splitter
- Automatic splitting
- Automatic Timer Start, Splitting and Resetting, all of which can be toggled
- Pauses on loads
- Splitting Chapters only