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Kisung Kang committed Mar 28, 2024
1 parent 81f71fc commit 6f2d696
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# Active-Learning Machine Operated Molecular Dynamics (ALmoMD)
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from import Trajectory
from import TrajectoryWriter
import ase.units as units
from import write_cif

import time
import os
import random
import numpy as np
from mpi4py import MPI
from decimal import Decimal

from libs.lib_util import single_print, mpi_print
from libs.lib_MD_util import get_forces, get_MDinfo_temp, get_masses
from libs.lib_criteria import eval_uncert, uncert_strconvter, get_criteria, get_criteria_prob

import torch

def cont_NVTLangevin(
inputs, struc, timestep, temperature, calculator, E_ref,
MD_index, MD_step_index, signal_uncert=False, signal_append=True, fix_com=True,
"""Function [NVTLangevin]
Evalulate the absolute and relative uncertainties of
predicted energies and forces.
This script is adopted from ASE Langevin function
and modified to use averaged forces from trained model.
struc: ASE atoms
A structral configuration of a starting point
timestep: float
The step interval for printing MD steps
temperature: float
The desired temperature in units of Kelvin (K)
friction: float
Strength of the friction parameter in NVTLangevin ensemble
steps: int
The length of the Molecular Dynamics steps
loginterval: int
The step interval for printing MD steps
nstep: int
The number of subsampling sets
nmodel: int
The number of ensemble model sets with different initialization
calculator: ASE calculator
Any calculator
E_ref: flaot
The energy of reference state (Here, ground state)
al_type: str
Type of active learning: 'energy', 'force', 'force_max'
trajectory: str
A name of MD trajectory file
logfile: str (optional)
A name of MD logfile. With None, it will not print a log file.
signal_uncert: bool (optional)
fixcm: bool (optional)
If True, the position and momentum of the center of mass is
kept unperturbed. Default: True.

time_init = time.time()

# Extract MPI infos
rank = comm.Get_rank()

# Initialization of index
condition = f'{inputs.temperature}K-{inputs.pressure}bar'

trajectory = f'TEMPORARY/temp-{condition}_{inputs.index}.traj'
logfile = f'TEMPORARY/temp-{condition}_{inputs.index}.log'

# Extract the criteria information from the initialization step
criteria_collected = get_criteria(inputs.temperature, inputs.pressure, inputs.index, inputs.steps_init, inputs.al_type)

if os.path.exists(trajectory):
traj_temp = Trajectory(trajectory)
struc = traj_temp[-1]
MD_step_index = len(traj_temp)
del traj_temp

# mpi_print(f'Step 1: {time.time()-time_init}', rank)
if MD_step_index == 0: # If appending and the file exists,
file_traj = TrajectoryWriter(filename=trajectory, mode='w')
# Add new configuration to the trajectory file
if rank == 0:

if isinstance(logfile, str):
if rank == 0:
file_log = open(logfile, 'w')
'Time[ps] \tEtot[eV] \tEpot[eV] \tEkin[eV] \t'
+ 'Temperature[K]'
if signal_uncert:
+ 'UncertAbs_F\tUncertRel_F\t'
+ 'UncertAbs_S\tUncertRel_S\tS_average\n'

# Get MD information at the current step
info_TE, info_PE, info_KE, info_T = get_MDinfo_temp(
struc, inputs.nstep, inputs.nmodel, calculator, inputs.harmonic_F

if signal_uncert:
# Get absolute and relative uncertainties of energy and force
# and also total energy
uncerts, Epot_step, S_step =\
eval_uncert(struc, inputs.nstep, inputs.nmodel, E_ref, calculator, inputs.al_type, inputs.harmonic_F)

# Log MD information at the current step in the log file
if rank == 0:
file_log = open(logfile, 'a')
'{:.5f}'.format(Decimal(str(0.0))) + ' \t' +
'{:.5e}'.format(Decimal(str(info_TE))) + '\t' +
'{:.5e}'.format(Decimal(str(info_PE))) + '\t' +
'{:.5e}'.format(Decimal(str(info_KE))) + '\t' +
if signal_uncert:
' \t' +
uncert_strconvter(uncerts.UncertAbs_E) + '\t' +
uncert_strconvter(uncerts.UncertRel_E) + '\t' +
uncert_strconvter(uncerts.UncertAbs_F) + '\t' +
uncert_strconvter(uncerts.UncertRel_F) + '\t' +
uncert_strconvter(uncerts.UncertAbs_S) + '\t' +
uncert_strconvter(uncerts.UncertRel_S) + '\t' +
uncert_strconvter(S_step) + '\n'
file_traj = TrajectoryWriter(filename=trajectory, mode='a')

write_traj = TrajectoryWriter(

# Get averaged force from trained models
forces = struc.get_forces()
except Exception as e:
forces = get_forces(struc, inputs.nstep, inputs.nmodel, calculator, inputs.harmonic_F, inputs.anharmonic_F)

# mpi_print(f'Step 3: {time.time()-time_init}', rank)
# Go trough steps until the requested number of steps
# If appending, it starts from Langevin_idx. Otherwise, Langevin_idx = 0
while (MD_index < inputs.ntotal) or (inputs.calc_type == 'period' and MD_step_index < inputs.nperiod*inputs.loginterval):

if inputs.meta_restart == True:
if os.path.exists('') and inputs.ensemble == 'NVTLangevin_meta' and MD_index != 0:
uncert_file = f'UNCERT/uncertainty-{condition}_{inputs.index}.txt'
uncert_data = pd.read_csv(uncert_file, index_col=False, delimiter='\t')

if np.array(uncert_data.loc[:,'S_average'])[-1] > inputs.meta_r_crtria:
mpi_print(f'[MLMD] Read a configuration from', inputs.rank)
# Read the ground state structure with the primitive cell
struc_init = atoms_read('', format='aims')
# Make it supercell
struc = make_supercell(struc_init, inputs.supercell_init)
MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution(struc, temperature_K=temperature*1.5, force_temp=True)

accept = '-- '

# mpi_print(f'Step 4: {time.time()-time_init}', rank)
# Get essential properties
natoms = len(struc)
masses = get_masses(struc.get_masses(), natoms)
sigma = np.sqrt(2 * temperature * inputs.friction / masses)

# mpi_print(f'Step 5: {time.time()-time_init}', rank)
# Get Langevin coefficients
c1 = timestep / 2. - timestep * timestep * inputs.friction / 8.
c2 = timestep * inputs.friction / 2 - timestep * timestep * inputs.friction * inputs.friction / 8.
c3 = np.sqrt(timestep) * sigma / 2. - timestep**1.5 * inputs.friction * sigma / 8.
c5 = timestep**1.5 * sigma / (2 * np.sqrt(3))
c4 = inputs.friction / 2. * c5

# mpi_print(f'Step 6: {time.time()-time_init}', rank)
# Get averaged forces and velocities
if forces is None:
forces = get_forces(struc, inputs.nstep, inputs.nmodel, calculator, inputs.harmonic_F, inputs.anharmonic_F)
# Velocity is already calculated based on averaged forces
# in the previous step
velocity = struc.get_velocities()

# mpi_print(f'Step 7: {time.time()-time_init}', rank)
# Sample the random numbers for the temperature fluctuation
xi = np.empty(shape=(natoms, 3))
eta = np.empty(shape=(natoms, 3))
if rank == 0:
xi = np.random.standard_normal(size=(natoms, 3))
eta = np.random.standard_normal(size=(natoms, 3))
comm.Bcast(xi, root=0)
comm.Bcast(eta, root=0)

# mpi_print(f'Step 8: {time.time()-time_init}', rank)
# Get get changes of positions and velocities
rnd_pos = c5 * eta
rnd_vel = c3 * xi - c4 * eta

# Check the center of mass
if fix_com:
rnd_pos -= rnd_pos.sum(axis=0) / natoms
rnd_vel -= (rnd_vel * masses).sum(axis=0) / (masses * natoms)

# First halfstep in the velocity.
velocity += (c1 * forces / masses - c2 * velocity + rnd_vel)

# mpi_print(f'Step 9: {time.time()-time_init}', rank)
# Full step in positions
position = struc.get_positions()

# Step: x^n -> x^(n+1) - this applies constraints if any.
struc.set_positions(position + timestep * velocity + rnd_pos)

# mpi_print(f'Step 10: {time.time()-time_init}', rank)
# recalc velocities after RATTLE constraints are applied
velocity = (struc.get_positions() - position - rnd_pos) / timestep
# mpi_print(f'Step 10-1: {time.time()-time_init}', rank)
forces = get_forces(struc, inputs.nstep, inputs.nmodel, calculator, inputs.harmonic_F, inputs.anharmonic_F)

# mpi_print(f'Step 10-2: {time.time()-time_init}', rank)
# Update the velocities
velocity += (c1 * forces / masses - c2 * velocity + rnd_vel)

# mpi_print(f'Step 10-3: {time.time()-time_init}', rank)
# Second part of RATTLE taken care of here
struc.set_momenta(velocity * masses)

# mpi_print(f'Step 11: {time.time()-time_init}', rank)
# Log MD information at regular intervals
if (MD_step_index+1) % inputs.loginterval == 0:

# Get absolute and relative uncertainties of energy and force
# and also total energy
uncerts, Epot_step, S_step =\
eval_uncert(struc, inputs.nstep, inputs.nmodel, 0.0, calculator, inputs.al_type, inputs.harmonic_F)

# Get a criteria probability from uncertainty and energy informations
criteria = get_criteria_prob(inputs, Epot_step, uncerts, criteria_collected)

# mpi_print(f'Step 12: {time.time()-time_init}', rank)
info_TE, info_PE, info_KE, info_T = get_MDinfo_temp(
struc, inputs.nstep, inputs.nmodel, calculator, inputs.harmonic_F

if inputs.rank == 0:
# Acceptance check with criteria
##!! Epot_step should be rechecked.
if random.random() < criteria: # and Epot_step > 0.1:
accept = 'Accepted'
MD_index += 1
accept = 'Vetoed'

# Record the MD results at the current step
trajfile = open(f'UNCERT/uncertainty-{condition}_{inputs.index}.txt', 'a')
'{:.5e}'.format(Decimal(str(info_T))) + '\t' +
uncert_strconvter(uncerts.UncertAbs_E) + '\t' +
uncert_strconvter(uncerts.UncertRel_E) + '\t' +
uncert_strconvter(uncerts.UncertAbs_F) + '\t' +
uncert_strconvter(uncerts.UncertRel_F) + '\t' +
uncert_strconvter(uncerts.UncertAbs_S) + '\t' +
uncert_strconvter(uncerts.UncertRel_S) + '\t' +
uncert_strconvter(Epot_step) + '\t' +
uncert_strconvter(S_step) + '\t' +
str(MD_index) + ' \t' +
'{:.5e}'.format(Decimal(str(criteria))) + '\t' +
str(accept) + ' \n'

if isinstance(logfile, str):
# mpi_print(f'Step 14: {time.time()-time_init}', rank)
if inputs.rank == 0:
file_log = open(logfile, 'a')
simtime = timestep*MD_step_index/units.fs/1000
'{:.5f}'.format(Decimal(str(simtime))) + ' \t' +
'{:.5e}'.format(Decimal(str(info_TE))) + '\t' +
'{:.5e}'.format(Decimal(str(info_PE))) + '\t' +
'{:.5e}'.format(Decimal(str(info_KE))) + '\t' +
if signal_uncert:
' \t' +
uncert_strconvter(uncerts.UncertAbs_E) + '\t' +
uncert_strconvter(uncerts.UncertRel_E) + '\t' +
uncert_strconvter(uncerts.UncertAbs_F) + '\t' +
uncert_strconvter(uncerts.UncertRel_F) + '\t' +
uncert_strconvter(uncerts.UncertAbs_S) + '\t' +
uncert_strconvter(uncerts.UncertRel_S) + '\t' +
uncert_strconvter(S_step) + '\n'
# mpi_print(f'Step 15: {time.time()-time_init}', rank)
if rank == 0:
MD_index = inputs.comm.bcast(MD_index, root=0)

MD_step_index += 1
MD_step_index = inputs.comm.bcast(MD_step_index, root=0)
# mpi_print(f'Step 16: {time.time()-time_init}', rank)


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