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Tool designed for managing dependencies within code repositories


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release version: 0.3

ReProcess (Re for Repository) is an open-source system designed for the analysis and processing of code repositories across multiple programming languages. Leveraging the tree_sitter library, ReProcess offers a powerful framework for extracting and analyzing code components and their dependencies.


ReProcess provides several key features:

  • Multi-Language Parsing: Supports several programming languages including Python, Java, C, C++, JavaScript, TypeScript, and Go. Powered by tree_sitter Standalone Parsers: Parsers can be used independently to analyze individual code files without requiring a full Git repository. Example scripts are available in reprocess/usage_examples/parsers_usage
  • Comprehensive Code Component Support: Code components are broadly categorized as:
    • Class
    • Method
    • Function
    • Variable (global or class field)
    • Structure
    • Residual Component: This stores everything not fitting into the above categories (e.g., loops, conditional statements).
  • Dependency Tree Construction: Builds a graph representing relationships between all components within a repository.
  • Dependency Tree Update: Update an existing Git repository's dependency tree when changes are made to the code after an initial tree is built.
  • Component Search: Quickly find code components whose names match a given regular expression (default is r "*").
  • Data Persistence: Save and read built trees, found components, and other repository data attributes to/from JSON.
  • Custom Repository Processors: Users can create their own repository processors by deriving from either:
    • ReProcessor (for synchronous processing)
    • AsyncReProcessor (for asynchronous processing)
    • AsyncVLLMReProcessor (for handling tasks with an LLM endpoint).
      For details, see the examples in reprocess/usage_examples/ and reprocess/usage_examples/
  • Neo4j Integration: ReProcess now integrates with Neo4j, allowing users to store and query code component graphs.

Users can use local folders with their repositories or use the CloneRepository predefined ReProcessor to download the repository.


Step 1: Clone the Repository

Begin by cloning the ReProcess repository to your local machine.

git clone

Step 2: Navigate to the Project Directory

Change the directory to enter the project folder.

cd ReProcess

Step 3: Install Requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt

Step 4: Install the Library

Execute the script to install the reprocess library.

python3 -m pip install -e .

These steps will set up the necessary environment for using the library in your local development environment.


Running the ReProcess Example Script

To see ReProcess in action, run the usage example:

python -m reprocess.usage_examples.re_processing_example 

This script demonstrates how to utilize the ReProcess library.

Example Usage Script

from reprocess.re_processors import JsonConverter, GraphBuilder, CloneRepository, Compose, RegExpFinder
from reprocess.re_container import ReContainer

# Initialize a ReContainer object with the name of the repository,
# the path where the repository will be cloned,
# and the path where the JSON graphs will be saved.
repo_container = ReContainer("arxiv-feed", "/home/arxiv-feed", "/home/db")

# Create a Compose object that specifies a sequence of operations
# to be performed on the repository. This sequence includes cloning
# the repository, building a dependency graph, searching for components
# matching a regex pattern, and converting the repository data
# to JSON format.
composition = Compose([
# Execute the sequence of operations on
# the repository container.
new_container = composition(repo_container)

Description of ReContainer

The ReContainer (Re stands for Repository) is the main class for handling repositories within ReProcess. This class stores any attributes related to the repository that the user is processing, such as the hash of the last commit, all files in the repository, etc. The ReContainer is central to the processing of repositories. The set of attributes that an ReContainer instance can store is flexible and dynamic; each repository handler can expect and create attributes as needed, making the ReContainer highly adaptable to different processing requirements.

Parameters of the ReContainer

  • repo_name: Name of the repository.
  • repo_path: Directory where the repository will be cloned.
  • db_path: Directory where the JSON graphs will be saved.

Note that each individual ReProcessor is capable of adding new attributes to the container instance, so the above parameters are not the only ones. They are defined by the ReProcessor that has been applied to the ReContainer.

List of ReProcessors

  • CloneRepository: Clones a repository from a given Git URL.

    Compose(repo_container, [CloneRepository("")])
  • GraphBuilder: Builds a graph of the repository and saves it into the specified db_path. It also populates the repository container.

    Compose(repo_container, [GraphBuilder()])
  • GraphUpdater: Updates the graph of the repository and updates the json file accordingly, refining the repository container.

    Compose(repo_container, [GraphUpdater()])
  • JsonConverter: Converts fields of the repository container into a json file, placed according to the specified db_path.

    Compose(repo_container, [JsonConverter()])
  • JsonDeconverter: Converts json from the repository_container.db_path field and populates all attributes of the repository container.

    Compose(repo_container, [JsonDeconverter()])
  • RegExpFinder: Searches components by regular expression for the name and saves all found CodeComponents in the repository container.

    Compose(repo_container, [RegExpFinder(r'\bfeed\.routes\.status\b')])

    This processor will update repo_container by adding a new attribute with the same name as the passed regular expression and will store all found code components satisfying that regular expression.

  • Neo4jConverter: Converts repository data into Neo4j graph format.

    Compose(repo_container, [Neo4jConverter(NEO4J_URI, NEO4J_USERNAME, NEO4J_PASSWORD)])

    The Neo4jConverter is particularly useful for users who want a more visual, interactive representation of the built dependency graph. By converting the repository data into a Neo4j-compatible format, users can explore the graph online using Neo4j's user interface, allowing for easier visualization and query-based analysis of code dependencies and relationships. This makes it possible to view and manipulate complex graphs without dealing directly with raw data or JSON files. If you are using Neo4j locally or on a remote server, this processor helps you visualize code components and how they interrelate, making it a powerful tool for debugging, understanding large codebases, and conducting code analysis. Alt text

  • Compose: Executes a sequence of other processors on the repository container.

    Compose(repo_container, [Processors_list])
    new_container = composition(repo_container)

This set of processors allows flexible management and analysis of code dependencies within repositories.

Creating Custom Repository Processors

Users can create their own repository processors by making classes that inherit from ReProcessor. When creating a custom processor, the class should:

  1. Inherit from ReProcessor/AsyncReProcessor/AsyncVLLMReProcessor: This ensures that the necessary checks and behaviors are inherited.
  2. Implement the __call__ Method: This method should accept a ReContainer instance as an argument and return a dictionary with updated attributes and their values. The ReContainer should not be explicitly modified within the __call__ method.

Example Code for a Custom Repository Processor

# Import necessary classes and exceptions from the reprocess package
from reprocess.re_processors.processor import ReProcessor
from reprocess.repository_container import ReContainer
from reprocess.re_processors import Compose

# Define a custom ReProcessorA class that extends the ReProcessor class
class ReProcessorA(ReProcessor):

    def __call__(self, repository_container: ReContainer):
        # Return a dictionary with the attribute 'attr_a' set to 10
        return {"attr_a": 10}

# Create an example repository container with specific paths
re_container_example = ReContainer("test_1", "/test_1", "/db")

# Instantiate the custom ReProcessors
a = ReProcessorA()

# Create a composition with both ReProcessorA
composition_example = Compose([a])

# Run the composition to process the repository container
new_container = composition_example(re_container_example)

# Print the attributes of the new container
Expected output:
{'repo_name': 'test_1',
 'repo_path': '/test_1', 
 'db_path': '/db', 
 'attr_a': 10

This script showcases how to define and compose custom processor. If you want to dive into the intricacies of creating and working with custom processors, we advise you to run the usage example

python3 -m reprocess.usage_examples.creating_custom_re_processor

This demonstrates the flexibility of creating and using custom processors within the ReProcess library.

Handling Incorrect Usage

If the ReContainer is used or changed in an incorrect manner, the user will be guided automatically on how to resolve the issue. This is done through the AbsentAttributesException and internal checks that ensure required attributes are present and the container is not modified explicitly.

JSON Tree Structure Description

The JSON structure generated by ReProcess can have an arbitrary structure. The exact format depends on the ReProcessors that have been executed before running the JsonConverter. The JsonConverter stores every attribute in the ReContainer, including nested ones, making the JSON output highly flexible and tailored to the specific processing performed on the repository.

The example below is obtained after running the ReProcessors sequence of CloneRepository, GraphBuilder, and JsonConverter.

Top-Level Structure

  • files: A list of dictionaries, each representing a file analyzed.
  • code_components: A list of dictionaries, each representing a component (function, class, or method) identified within the files.
  • external_components: A list of IDs of external import statements (components outside the parsed repo).

files List

Each dictionary in the files list contains:

  • file_id: A unique identifier for the file.
  • file_path: The relative path to the file.
  • imports: A list of strings representing all imported modules and components in the file.
  • called_components: A list of strings representing all components or functions called within the file.
  • callable_components: A list of strings representing all functions or classes defined in the file that can be called.

code_components List

Each dictionary in the components list contains:

  • component_id: A unique identifier for the component.
  • component_name: The full name of the component, including its module or file context.
  • component_code: The actual code of the component.
  • linked_component_ids: A list of component IDs representing other components that are linked or associated with this component.
  • file_id: The ID of the file that processed this component.
  • external_component_ids: A list of IDs representing external components that this component interacts with.
  • component_type: One of 3 possible types of components ("class", "method", or "function").

This structure helps in understanding the relationships and dependencies among various files and components in the project.

Real Example of the JSON

    "external_components": {
        "71507f0f-0ead-4018-a8cb-d3b864ea4d8d": "flask.make_response",
        "c1327f0a-b679-4c91-aa98-e4ccd2ed4b73": "flask.current_app",
        "782625df-3b8b-4cee-b489-ac154218837d": "werkzeug.Response"
    "code_components": [
            "component_id": "7eea4ee61fd779eb579e3ace87edf1f2156793a2c43f0f4699fb6ed3bdefea04",
            "component_name": "feed.routes.status",
            "component_code": "from feed.database import check_service\nfrom flask import make_response, current_app\nfrom werkzeug import Response\n\n@blueprint.route('/feed/status')\ndef status() -> Response:\n    text = f\"Status: {check_service()} Version: {current_app.config['VERSION']}\"\n    return make_response(text, 200)",
            "linked_component_ids": [
            "file_id": "bb2bd632-a392-429d-9b04-fc6e70fd5875",
            "external_component_ids": [
            "component_type": "function",
            "__class__": "CodeComponentContainer"
    "files": [
            "file_id": "03ea4512-375c-457e-b8c9-a53f70c0c1c5",
            "file_path": "feed/serializers/",
            "imports": [
            "called_components": [
            "callable_components": [
            "__class__": "FileContainer"
    "repo_author": "[email protected]",
    "repo_hash": "3720f2018d8e59b6c760de53f515e7eda0ed16c7",
    "repo_name": "arxiv-feed",
    "repo_path": "/home/arxiv-feed",
    "db_path": "/home/db"


Tool designed for managing dependencies within code repositories







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