A repository dedicated as a projects directory that will guide users to easily navigate through my repositories and view the projects I have completed.
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W
- Bare bones HTML template - Bare bones HTML5 template with Bootstrap 5 and meta tags for Responsive design, SEO and Open Graph Protocol.
- Bill Splitter - A Bill Splitter app created with Angular JS.
- Classic Snake Game - A classic snake game created with Python 3 and Turtle Graphics.
- Contacts API - A simple contacts API created with ASP.NET Core 6.
- Data Structures and Algorithms - A collection of Data Structures and Algorithms, in different programming languages.
- E-commerce - Front-end of an e-commerce mobile application created using React Native.
- Fizzi - An animated 3D Landing page created with Next.js, Three.js and GSAP.
- HackerRank Challenges - A collection of my solutions to various HackerRank challenges, in multiple programming languages.
- Image Segmentation - Image Segmentation using Python and Unsupervised Learning.
- Interactive Rating Component - An interactive rating component created with JavaScript.
- Little Lemon Newsletter - Final project for the online course React Native by Meta.
- Message Encoder/Decoder - A Python program that encodes and decodes a message. Built with Tkinter and Python Base64.
- Naming Contest App - A Naming Contest application created using Mongo, Express, React and Node (MERN).
- Node.js Code Snippets - A collection of useful Node.js code snippets.
- Order Summary Component - An order summary component created with HTML5, CSS3 and Bootstrap 5.
- Order Summary Component - React - An order summary component created with React JS.
- Personal Portfolio (React) - My personal portfolio website created using React JS.
- [ARCHIVED] Personal Portfolio - My personal portfolio website created using HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap.
- PHP Challenges - A collection of solutions to various PHP challenges and problems.
- Picture Puzzle - A picture puzzle game created using Java Swing.
- Product List with Cart - A products list page with add to cart functionality.
- Product Preview Card Component - A responsive product preview card component created using Bootstrap 5.
- Python Geovisualization Dashboard - A Python geovisualization dashboard using COVID-19 data.
- Random Anime Quote Generator - A random anime quote generator.
- Restaurant Management System - A Restaurant Management System created with Laravel.
- Results Summary Component - A responsive results summary component, created with Bootstrap 5.
- Room Homepage - A homepage site created using React JS and Tailwind CSS.
- Single-page Design Portfolio - A Single Page Design Portfolio.
- Smart Contracts - Final project solution for the course Smart Contracts by University at Buffalo & The State University of New York.
- Task Manager - A simple task manager developed with React and Tailwind. Created with useReducer, useContsxt, useState and createContext hooks.
- To do list - A fullstack To-do list web application, created with React, Typescript, Node.js, Express.js and MySQL.
- To do list - A to do list web application created with Python, Flask, and SQLite.
- Typing Game - A typing game created using Python 3.
- Shortly - A responsive URL Shortening landing page.
- Veterinary Appointment - Built using React and Tailwind CSS.
- Weather App - A fully functional weather app with geolocation. Built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript using OpenWeatherMap and OpenCage APIs.
- Where in the world? - A webpage using REST Countries API, with color theme switcher. Created with React JS.