- Create Twitter account
- Go to: https://apps.twitter.com/
- Click on create new app
- Use the credentials in R script to connect to twitter api and access Tweets
- Create file "twitter_token.csv" inside rscript folder with 4 headers: "api_key", "api_secret", "access_token", "access_token_secret" and their values
- r-base:3.4
- python:2.7
- methods
- wordcloud
- tm
- stringr
- streamR
- RCurl
- devtools
- maptools
- maps
- ggplot2
- data.table
- mapproj
- ggmap
- dplyr
- Flask
- Install all dependency mentioned above
- Open terminal in the folder where main.py is present
- Execute the command: python main.py
- Install docker
- Open terminal in the folder where Dockerfile is present
- Execute the command: docker build -t tsa .
- Execute the command: docker run -d -p 5000:5000 tsa
- Open webpage at Localhost:5000 for Ubuntu, or <VM_IPaddress>:5000 for Mac or Windows