domjudge-interview helps setup a contest in a running DOMJudge server with MYSQL database and manage large number of users typically for usecases like Conducting Interviews
. It will help you create 100s of users from a TSV file full of email IDs with 1 member per team (associated with the user) by performing SQL queries to DOMJudge MySql database.
This service supports the following operations:
: Create a contest by name and set activate, start times in DOMJudge databaseADD_USERS
: Add users by email ID from a file to the DOMJudge database and add then to a contest identified by contest-short-nameDELETE_USERS
: Delete users by email ID from a file to the DOMJudge database and remove them from a contest identified by contest-short-nameDELETE_CONTEST
: Delete contest and all teams and users associated with that contestSHOW_RESULTS
: Export leaderboard (Results) of a contest identified by contest-short-name to a TSV file
gvm use go1.11 && export GOPATH=$HOME/gocode
mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/ && cd $GOPATH/src/
git clone
cd domjudge-interview
glide install
go install
$GOPATH/bin/domjudge-interview --help
This service mode creates a contest by performing the following SQL queries to DOMJudge database:
- SQL Query 1: Read latest contest id using:
SELECT cid, name, shortname FROM contest ORDER BY cid DESC LIMIT 10;
- Set contest end time to be 2 days after start time and deactivetime to be 1 month after activate time
- Freeze time should be set to 5 mins after contest start time
- SQL Query 2: Create contest with id as latestCid+1 using insert command above (for Create contests)
- Sample SQL query:
INSERT INTO contest (cid, name, shortname, activatetime, starttime, freezetime, endtime, unfreezetime, deactivatetime, activatetime_string, starttime_string, freezetime_string, endtime_string, unfreezetime_string, deactivatetime_string, public) VALUES (2, "May 2019 Interview", "int-28-may", 1558422000, 1558422000, 1558422000, 1558422000, 1558422000, 1558422000, "2019-05-21 12:00:00 Asia/Kolkata", "2019-05-21 12:00:00 Asia/Kolkata", "2019-05-21 12:00:00 Asia/Kolkata", "2019-05-21 12:00:00 Asia/Kolkata", "2019-05-21 12:00:00 Asia/Kolkata", "2019-05-21 12:00:00 Asia/Kolkata", 0)
- Sample SQL query:
export DB_CONN_STR="user:pass@tcp(db-host:3306)/dbname?charset=utf8&parseTime=True&loc=Local"
$GOPATH/bin/domjudge-interview --op CREATE_CONTEST --contest-name "Full Stack Engineer" --contest-short-name fs-1-may-2019 --contest-duration-hours 48 --db-conn-str "$DB_CONN_STR"
This service mode add users (by email addresses) from a file to DOMJudge database
- Read latest team id using:
SELECT teamid FROM team ORDER BY teamid DESC LIMIT 10;
- Add users by emailid starting from userid+1
- Generate password for each user
- Insert new user into DOMJudge database
- Add team first
- Sample SQL query:
INSERT INTO team (teamid, name,categoryid,members) VALUES (28, "user1", 3, "user1");
- Source code
- Add user next
- Sample SQL query:
INSERT INTO user (userid,username,name,email,password,teamid) VALUES (28,"user1","user1","[email protected]","$2a$10$RR/lyfRhrlL0ngq7vFdPnuwbh44YXsOZ2yqVwD.Ns/5zR/Xm0vpfm",28);
- Source code
- Add userrole next
- Sample SQL query:
INSERT INTO userrole (userid, roleid) VALUES (28, 3);
- Add contests to teams finally
- Sample SQL query:
INSERT INTO contestteam (cid, teamid) VALUES (1, 28);
- INPUT: file with emailids (1 column), OUTPUT: file with emailids, userids, passwords (3 columns)
DOMJudge Database Reference
export DB_CONN_STR="user:pass@tcp(db-host:3306)/dbname?charset=utf8&parseTime=True&loc=Local"
$GOPATH/bin/domjudge-interview --op ADD_USERS --contest-short-name fs-1-may-2019 --users-file "user_emails.tsv" --db-conn-str "$DB_CONN_STR" --sendwithus-api-key "$APIKEY" --sendwithus-template-id "tem_sdfq345" --sendwithus-reply-to "[email protected]" --sendwithus-from "[email protected]" --sendwithus-from-name "YOUR_NAME" --contest-url ""
contest-url link above is the DOMJudge web UI link
For ease of use, you could use the following config file way of invoking the above command
$GOPATH/bin/domjudge-interview --op ADD_USERS --contest-short-name fs-1-may-2019 --users-file "user_emails.tsv" --config .domjudge-interview.json
Delete users by email id from DOMJudge database. This mode will find users by email ID from user table and delete the user from the following tables
- user
- team correspoding user in team table
- user from userrole
- team from contestteam
export DB_CONN_STR="user:pass@tcp(db-host:3306)/dbname?charset=utf8&parseTime=True&loc=Local"
$GOPATH/bin/domjudge-interview --op DELETE_USERS --contest-short-name fs-1-may-2019 --users-file "user_emails.tsv" --db-conn-str "$DB_CONN_STR"
Delete contest with all its users, teams and entries in userrole, contestteam tables.
- for every team with access to the contest (from contestteam), delete
- user
- team correspoding user in team table
- user from userrole
- team from contestteam
- delete contest from contest table
export DB_CONN_STR="user:pass@tcp(db-host:3306)/dbname?charset=utf8&parseTime=True&loc=Local"
$GOPATH/bin/domjudge-interview --op DELETE_CONTEST --contest-short-name fs-1-may-2019 --db-conn-str "$DB_CONN_STR"
- Show results of contests reverse sorted by points and score
- OUTPUT: file with emailids, userids, points, totaltime
$GOPATH/bin/domjudge-interview --op SHOW_RESULTS --contest-short-name 11-apr --results-file "$HOME/seedFiles/apr11.results.tsv" --db-conn-str "$DB_CONN_STR2"
All of the above command line parameters can be stored in a config file which can just be passed to this binary for easy usage of this service.
"contest-name": "Full stack engineer",
"contest-short-name": "fs-1-may-2019",
"contest-duration-hours": 48,
"users-file": "$HOME/domjudge_c1_users.tsv",
"results-file": "$HOME/apr11.results.tsv",
"db-conn-str": "user:pswd@tcp(db_host:3306)/db_name?charset=utf8&parseTime=True&loc=Local",
"sendwithus-api-key": "live_myapikey",
"sendwithus-template-id": "tem_mytemplatekey",
"sendwithus-reply-to": "[email protected]",
"sendwithus-from": "[email protected]",
"sendwithus-from-name": "MyCompany Hiring Team",
"contest-url": ""