Terraform module which creates EMR Serverless application and all resources, roles and policies needed to use it. Based on AWS Documentation. For a detailed description of the usage including a cloud architecture diagram see the blog post.
module "emrserverless" {
source = "kierandidi/emrserverless/aws"
version = "1.0.0"
# application configuration
application_name = "application-emr-serverless"
application_max_memory = "4 GB"
application_max_cores = "1 vCPU"
# scripts configuration
bucket_name = "bucket-emr-serverless"
bucket_acl = "bucket-emr-serverless"
scripts = "./my-program"
# optional initial configurations
initial_woker_count = 0
initial_woker_cpu = "2 vCPU"
initial_woker_memory = "10 GB"
Usage notes
- Leave the
configs empty to avoid idle time costs. - Before uploading environment, compress it with conda-pack for conda environments and venv-pack for venv environments. The compressed environemnt should be in same folder as the terraform file.
Input the following variables to setup the EMR-Serverless application on AWS.
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
application_name | EMR serverless application name. | string |
N/A |
yes |
application_max_memory | The maximum memory available for the entire application. | string |
4 GB |
no |
application_max_cores | The maximum CPU cores for the entire application. | string |
1 vCPU |
no |
initial_worker_count | Number of initial workers, directly available at job submission. | number |
null |
no |
initial_worker_cpu | Amount of initial worker memory, directly available at job submission. | string |
2 vCPU |
no |
initial_worker_memory | Amount of initial worker memory, directly available at job submission. | string |
10 GB |
no |
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
bucket_name | The bucket in which scripts for the application will be stored. | string |
emr-serverless-bucket |
no |
bucket_acl | The canned ACL to apply. Valid values are private, public-read, public-read-write, aws-exec-read, authenticated-read, bucket-owner-read, and bucket-owner-full-control. Defaults to private. | string |
private |
no |
bucket_tags | S3 bucket tags. | map |
{} |
no |
scripts | Script folder to be compressed and uploaded to S3 bucket. | string |
N/A |
yes |
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
artifacts_dir | Directory name where artifacts should be stored. | string |
builds |
no |
env | Compressed environment to be uploaded to S3 bucket (either conda or venv). | string |
N/A | no |
Name | Description |
application_id | ID of the EMR Serverless Application |
application_name | Name of the EMR Serverless Application |
execution_role_arn | Execution role ARN of the EMR Serverless Application |
bucket_name | Scripts bucket |
Module managed by Kieran Didi and Anuradha Wickramarachchi. Check out serverless.tf to learn more about doing serverless with Terraform.