Reproduction for django/channels#2063 and nedbat/coveragepy#1718.
I tried also adding different concurrency options in .coveragerc
but was unable to find a setup that made coverage get collected.
Create a virtualenv
pyenv virtualenv 3.10 coverage_repro_small
pyenv activate coverage_repro_small
Install dependencies
pip install requirements.txt
playwright install
playwright install-deps chromium
Start database. Channels server test case does not allow an in-memory database, so we must spin up a postgres instance.
docker compose up -d
Run tests - Live server test case:
open htmlcov/index.html
# If you navigate to `coverage_repro_small/`, you should see 100% coverage.
Run tests - Channels server test case:
open htmlcov/index.html
# If you navigate to `coverage_repro_small/`, you should see 50% coverage.
python runserver 8080