Name | Icon Usage | slug |
Kneipe | Spendenicons (in drei verschiedenen Größen): Bier | bar |
Club | Spendenicons: Cocktailgläser | club |
Späti | Spendenicons: Schokolade - Bier | late_shop |
Restaurant | Spendenicons: Vorspeise, Hauptspeise, Dessert | restaurant |
Café | Spendenicons: Kaffee | cafe |
Einzelhandel | Münzen & Geldscheine | shop |
Dienstleistung | Münzen & Geldscheine | service |
The frontend sends a location and the backend returns a list of registered businesses in the vicinity
with their respective id, name and location, and the information, whether the business has already been verified.
http GET
Longitude lng
and latitude lat
are set to floating point numbers with . as decimal separator.
List of businesses in JSON format each with the following properties
- business id
- google maps id
- name
- longitude
- latitude
- verification status
"id": 1,
"gmap_id": "huisdfhuias7sadyf7s8dyd",
"name": "Feuermelder",
"lng": 13.4590208,
"lat": 52.5097213,
"verified": true,
"id": 2,
"gmap_id": null,
"name": "Burgeramt",
"lat": 52.5099916,
"lng": 13.460808,
"verified": null
Empty List []
The details of the selected business and owner for the detailed view and a possible donation are returned.
http GET
The :id
is the internal id of the selected business, which was returned in the list of businesses in the vicinity.
Owner details
- business id
- google maps id
- nick name
- personal message
- personal thank you
- paypal handle (for now link after
- one image of the business
- optionally one image of the owner
"business": {
"business_id": 95,
"gmap_id": "ChIJ76KkCoxRqEcRklhSCLoSBug",
"name": "Nanum",
"owner": {
"first_name": "Foo",
"last_name": "Bar",
"nick_name": "Nicky",
"image": null,
"paypal": "nickyfoo"
"message": "An all Lieben, wir brauchen euch!",
"thank_you": "Danke!",
"business_type": "club",
"favorite_place_image": null,
"address": {
"street_address": "Lindenstraße 90",
"postcode": "10969",
"city": "Berlin"
"verified": null,
"funding": { // Optional. Only if present
"funding_type": "voucher",
"link": ""
"image_references": [ // Optional. Only if present
"google_reference": "CmRaAAAARN7khkPL0k3k7hepCTizmi7rNot9WC351cvCAwtsw6Qzq-ftYjahtMKgKjZOGL4xRj5bBWDZOrQN7CFAdm61fM_Rf1f1sWxBbGC5UR5BGfJ8Qk4gGndTK3S5Ezvo9SQiEhCgqYlyS9h4NibVmXnKOomMGhRJeoH1ve9eDf1xKuqeOQv7AlMeqA"
"google_reference": "CmRaAAAAAV0-8buNZaegfy6RTnkhD6hHVrrhu4zOln85As3DkAKC2wUO7cZWgdxmPeKfYN2C9L6IfY60N0KxHS4E4-FsdRGvnC1tJXVOY6-QyRwStzHzG6p3-qOxRfX6tBk2Bj0xEhBcEeehZHTGuEehV0udT0nAGhSkyJHxp2QlViP8UH1GyUTY--bzog"
The image URLs can be modified in order to return different dimensions (and much more). See the Imgix API reference for details.
Empty object? Exception object?
All necessary information to register and verify a new company is sent to the backend at once.
http POST
Business and owner details plus documents for verification. business_type_id
still has to receive a mapping
Images are transferred using base64 encoding.
"gmap_id": "huisdfhuias7sadyf7s8dyd",
"name": "Feuermelder",
"lng": 13.4590208,
"lat": 52.5097213,
"phone_number": "0302911937",
"street_address": "Krossener Str. 24",
"postcode": "10245",
"city": "Berlin",
"personal_message": "Spende ein halbes Bier!",
"personal_thank_you": "Danke!",
"business_type": "bar",
"favorite_place_image": {
"data": ""
"owner_attributes": {
"email": "[email protected]",
"first_name": "Mein",
"last_name": "Name",
"salutation": "Mr.",
"nick_name": "Worldwide",
"paypal_handle": "robinzuschke",
"owner_image": {
"data": ""
"id_card_image": {
"data": ""
"trade_certificate_attributes": {
"trade_license_image": {
"data: ""
Http code 201
Http code 422
Before the user is redirected to, we make this call to our backend
to keep track of the - promised - donations.
http POST
Where the business_id
is the id of the business, for which a donation will be made.
An object containing the promised amount in Euro Cents.
"business_id": 1,
"amount_cents": 500
Http code 201
Http code 422 (should probably be ignored in the frontend)
Simple tracking endpoint for clicks and links.
http POST
Where the business_id
is the id of the business, if it is valuable to the tracking (CAN BE NULL).
Action relates to the action you are tracking.
Right now we are using the following actions:
Action String | Usage | business_id useful? |
crowd_funding |
Click on the crowdfunding button | yes |
voucher |
Click on the voucher button | yes |
flyer_download |
Click on the flyer download link | no |
"tracking": {
"business_id": 12,
"action": "crowd_funding"
Http code 201
Http code 422 (should probably be ignored in the frontend)