Ephestos is an effort to offer an alternative to Python for Blender. The alternative is Pharo.
Pharo offers several things
- A language that is simple and more english like than python. Pharo is a modern non backward compatible Smalltalk implementation. Everything is messages to objects.
For example the typical hello world code in Pharo is :
Transcript show: 'Hello World
Live coding , meaning that you can code the application while it runs.
A powerful IDE implemented in Pharo itself. Tons of tools to make life easy.
A very powerful debugger, in case of an error the debugger alows you to change the code and resume your application where the error happened as if the error never happened.
A full blown GUI API , simple, powerful and flexible and entirely written in Pharo. Far more sophisticated than what the Blender GUI API offers.
PyEphestos is the Blender Side of the Ephestos project , its a typical python addon that exchanges communication with the Pharo side via sockets. It allows Pharo to control Blender.
Pharo also can be used as a GUI alternative for Blender.