Robotics Mathematical modeling and theory with Python (learning through extensive numerical simulations and animations.)
Original materials from Pranav Bhounsule's robotics lecture and Github
- Install Python - Version greater than 3.8.0
- Install required packages
# please use pip or pip3
pip install numpy sympy scipy control matplotlib
# for windows users
pip install msvc-runtime kiwisolver
- Lecture 1 - python basics for robotics programming
- Lecture 2 - Homogeneous Matrix and Forward Kinematics
- Lecture 3 - Differential Drive robot's FK and IK, Trajectory Following
- Lecture 4 - Equations of motion, Expressing Dynamics through python
- Lecture 5 - sympy specification
- Lecture 6 - Dynamics based Double pendulum modeling (without and torque)
- Lecture 7 - About Jacobian and it's usages
- Lecture 8 - Hybrid Dynamics (jumping ball)
- Leture 9 / 22 - Passive Dynamic Walker Modeling and simulation / Dynamic Walker
- Leture 10 - Control Optimization
- Lecture 11 - Trajectory generation (position/velocity/torque traj)
- Lecture 12 - Control (Feedback Linearization)
- PID Control
- Feedback Linearization Control
- Torque base Trajectory Control
- Lecture 13 - Control (Linear Control)
- Stabilize double pendulum based on LQR
- Lecture 14 - Bicopter Modeling and Simulation
- Lecture 15 - Observability and Controllability
Check Observability and learn how Kalman Filter works
- Lecture 16 - 3D rotations
- Lecture 17 - 3D dynamics (free fall in 3D world)
- Lecture 18 - 3D quadcopter modeling and control
- Lecture 19 - 3D manipulator modeling and Inverse Kinematics
- Lecture 20 / 21 - SLIP (Spring Loaded Inverted Pendulum) & Raibert Hopper
- Lecture 29 - Humanoid Biped Robot
- Advanced Lecture - Inverted Pendulum
- Advanced Lecture - Linear MPC with Spring Mass Damper
- Advanced Lecture - Non-Linear MPC with Mobile Robot and Inverted Pendulum
- Lecture notes (
- Youtube Tutorial (
- Simulation program examples - Isaac Sim, Ignition
- Real Robot Example