A Docker image to add poetry support via ONBUILD to Sebastián Ramírez's excellent uvicorn-gunicorn-fastapi FastAPI image.
Use this image as the FROM argument in a container.
Copy all source files to /app/ in the container
Ensure there is a pyproject.toml in the root directory - it will be copied into the directory and all contents poetry installed into the container.
The container will expect to find a FastAPI application called app in a file called main.py.
For full usage details of the comprehensive underlying uvicorn-gunicorn-fastapi image, see its Docker Hub repo.
- Dockerfile
- pyproject.toml
- app/
- main.py
- other_python_source.py
FROM fastapi-poetry:latest
COPY app/* /app/
A manifest file detailing the Python, FastAPI, and Poetry versions and the installed Python packages is in a file inside the image at /manifest.txt.
This image is built and pushed to registries once a month.
The source for this image is kept and developed in this GitLab repository.
This image is licensed under the MIT License like the underlying underlying uvicorn-gunicorn-fastapi image.
This image is based entirely on the work of Sebastián Ramírez.