Country City API is a REST API to get a list of all the countries in the world. It can also be used to get a list of all the cities in a country.
Before installing this API you need to install MongoDB pecl extension by following installation instructions from here
Download this API using composer by executing the command below.
composer global require shivammathur/countrycity "master-dev"
- Then install the API using by executing the command below.
composer create-project shivammathur/countrycity countrycity "master-dev" --prefer-dist
- Download and install MongoDB from here
- Start MongoDB server by executing the below command.
mongod --dbpath {countrycityapipath}/data/db
- Restore the data into the MongoDB Database by using the below command in a new terminal.
mongorestore {countrycityapipath}/data/db/dump/countrycity/geo.bson
- You are all set.
{"error":"true", "message": "error message here"}