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BAAS Server

Yannik Marchand edited this page Feb 10, 2025 · 103 revisions

Switch > Account Server


The baas server manages user accounts and friendships on the Nintendo Switch.

Depending on the method, this server takes form or json encoded requests. The server always responds with json encoding.


Header Description
User-Agent User agent
Accept */*
Authorization Access token received from /1.0.0/application/token, /1.0.0/login or /1.0.0/federation, prefixed with Bearer . Depends on the method.
X-Nintendo-PowerState FA (fully awake) or HA (half awake). This header is only sent in the /1.0.0/application/token and /1.0.0/login requests.

The following headers are only sent in POST, PUT, PATCH and DELETE requests.

Header Description
Content-Length Content length
Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded

If the content type is changed, and the request is performed by the account sysmodule, the headers are swapped.

Header Description
Content-Type application/json or application/json-patch+json
Content-Length Content length

If the content type is changed, and the request is performed by the friends sysmodule, the Content-Type header appears between the Accept and Authorization headers instead.

User Agents

The user agents below are taken from the account sysmodule. If the request is made by the friends sysmodule replace nnAccount by nnFriends.

System Version User agent
9.0.0 - 9.2.0 libcurl (nnAccount; 789f928b-138e-4b2f-afeb-1acae821d897; SDK; Add-on
10.0.0 - 10.2.0 libcurl (nnAccount; 789f928b-138e-4b2f-afeb-1acae821d897; SDK; Add-on
11.0.0 - 11.0.1 libcurl (nnAccount; 789f928b-138e-4b2f-afeb-1acae821d897; SDK; Add-on
12.0.0 - 12.1.0 libcurl (nnAccount; 789f928b-138e-4b2f-afeb-1acae821d897; SDK; Add-on
13.0.0 libcurl (nnAccount; 789f928b-138e-4b2f-afeb-1acae821d897; SDK; Add-on
13.1.0 - 13.2.1 libcurl (nnAccount; 789f928b-138e-4b2f-afeb-1acae821d897; SDK; Add-on
14.0.0 - 14.1.2 libcurl (nnAccount; 789f928b-138e-4b2f-afeb-1acae821d897; SDK; Add-on
15.0.0 - 15.0.1 libcurl (nnAccount; 789f928b-138e-4b2f-afeb-1acae821d897; SDK; Add-on
16.0.0 - 16.1.0 libcurl (nnAccount; 789f928b-138e-4b2f-afeb-1acae821d897; SDK; Add-on
17.0.0 - 17.0.1 libcurl (nnAccount; 789f928b-138e-4b2f-afeb-1acae821d897; SDK; Add-on
18.0.0 - 18.1.0 libcurl (nnAccount; 789f928b-138e-4b2f-afeb-1acae821d897; SDK; Add-on
19.0.0 libcurl (nnAccount; 789f928b-138e-4b2f-afeb-1acae821d897; SDK; Add-on


The following methods do not require an access token:

Module Method URL
Account POST /1.0.0/application/token
None GET /1.0.0/certificates
None GET /1.0.0/internal_certificates

The following methods require an anonymous access token:

Module Method URL
Account POST /1.0.0/login
Account POST /1.0.0/federation
Account POST /1.0.0/users

The following methods require a user access token:

Module Method URL
Account POST /1.0.0/devices/me/delete
Account POST /1.0.0/image_upload
Account PUT /1.0.0/push_channels/<id>/<id>
Friends GET /1.0.0/users
Both GET /1.0.0/users/<id>
Both PATCH /1.0.0/users/<id>
Friends GET /1.0.0/users/<id>/blocks
Friends POST /1.0.0/users/<id>/blocks
Friends DELETE /1.0.0/users/<id>/blocks/<id>
Friends PATCH /1.0.0/users/<id>/device_accounts/<id>
Account DELETE /1.0.0/users/<id>/device_accounts/<id>
Friends POST /1.0.0/users/<id>/generate_code
Account POST /1.0.0/users/<id>/link
Account POST /1.0.0/users/<id>/unlink
Friends POST /2.0.0/friend_requests
Friends PATCH /2.0.0/friend_requests/<id>
Friends GET /2.0.0/users/<id>/friends
Friends PATCH /2.0.0/users/<id>/friends/<id>
Friends DELETE /2.0.0/users/<id>/friends/<id>
Friends GET /2.0.0/users/<id>/friend_requests/inbox
Friends GET /2.0.0/users/<id>/friend_requests/outbox
Friends GET /2.0.0/users/<id>/relationships/<id>

POST /1.0.0/application/token

This method provides an anonymous access token.

Param Description
grantType public_client
assertion Device token obtained from dauth server
penneId Penne id (optional, introduced in 19.0.0)

Response on success:

Field Description
expiresIn Expiration in seconds (10800)
accessToken The anonymous access token
tokenType Bearer


POST /1.0.0/application/token HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: libcurl (nnAccount; 789f928b-138e-4b2f-afeb-1acae821d897; SDK; Add-on
Accept: */*
X-Nintendo-PowerState: FA
Content-Length: 872
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 1061
Connection: keep-alive
Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache
Pragma: no-cache
X-Cloud-Trace-Context: d6b433b5122481d45b61aa4379d547f2
Date: Sun, 26 Sep 2021 19:21:43 GMT
Server: Google Frontend
X-Cache: Miss from cloudfront
Via: 1.1 (CloudFront)
X-Amz-Cf-Pop: AMS1-C1
X-Amz-Cf-Id: WGSd3qu043Y9Co4sredK7gclrF4BMYPKQXytykkQfwEez4HYJmIbDw==

{"accessToken": "eyJqa3UiOiJodHRwczovL2UwZDY3YzUwOWZiMjAzODU4ZWJjYjJmZTNmODhjMmFhLmJhYXMubmludGVuZG8uY29tLzEuMC4wL2ludGVybmFsX2NlcnRpZmljYXRlcyIsImFsZyI6IlJTMjU2Iiwia2lkIjoiMzA4M2MxYjItNWQ2OC00MzRiLWJlMzItMTFmOTE1NTcwNTAwIn0.eyJzdWIiOiJlZDllMmYwNWQyODZmN2I4IiwiYXVkIjoiZWQ5ZTJmMDVkMjg2ZjdiOCIsImJzOnN0cyI6WzM4NV0sIm5pbnRlbmRvIjp7ImR0IjoiTlggUHJvZCAxIiwicGMiOiJIQUMiLCJkaSI6IjY4MzM3YWNhMjg4MTVjYmIiLCJzbiI6IlhBVzEwMDEyMzQ1Njc4IiwiaXN0IjpmYWxzZX0sImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOi8vZTBkNjdjNTA5ZmIyMDM4NThlYmNiMmZlM2Y4OGMyYWEuYmFhcy5uaW50ZW5kby5jb20iLCJ0eXAiOiJ0b2tlbiIsImJzOmdydCI6MSwiZXhwIjoxNjMyNjg3NzAxLCJpYXQiOjE2MzI2NzY5MDEsImp0aSI6Ijg3OGQwNzM1LTU3MWEtNGI5NC04MmE2LTJiZjE4MzExNGRiMSJ9.oVn3eE81TJwApnNzhoUJTWhvJJasP5OpURctjSw-evHZVGXSnNbEcNHAGMHQu5QHU7IMiDlBaIM4hb0BU_l7h4EIPtZzZxys0tb4IbyHUD8SQdqjrA7GPadmfuJkIQYMJUUVikTIbAfmVuZ0asM1HjBUEpUjn9JzJgF6355oOePqrcQtWTWtsmthwPpfLj7RfPeGuXlc_89Yj6wBplDkpS3NQGrVULxLXoRBgi_cnhZpgnauorOkynby2EZC2UNfaMxpPXa5yNXPM2HQIiAlnd78Zk4Knl2ZH5xhKbtI6Fzeo0CmCCgzQYfYoh2xhR7WowVPpDNfZiwZ7XX0a3hZLw", "tokenType": "Bearer", "expiresIn": 10800}

POST /1.0.0/login

This method can be used to log in on a device account that was registered with /1.0.0/users. If an application token is provided, the server checks if the device account is linked against a Nintendo account, and if the account has a Nintendo Switch Online membership.

Param Description
id Device account id
password Device account password
appAuthNToken AAuth token (optional)
naCountry Country code such as NL (introduced in 18.0.0)
skipOp2Verification Skip NSO verification (optional)

Response on success:

Field Description
expiresIn Expiration in seconds (10800)
user User information
idToken ID token (for game servers)
accessToken Access token for user
tokenType Bearer
summary See below

The summary field is only present if an app token is provided where the policy handler is set to GAME_SERVER and the user has an NSO membership. It looks as follows:

"summary": {
    "nintendo": {
        "hasMembership": true

POST /1.0.0/federation

This method is the same as /1.0.0/login except that it also takes an ID token that represents a Nintendo account. This is required to link the Nintendo account to the device.

Param Description
id Device account id
password Device account password
idp nintendoAccount
idToken ID token obtained from
appAuthNToken AAuth token (optional)
naCountry Country code such as NL (introduced in 18.0.0)
skipOp2Verification Skip NSO verification (optional)

POST /1.0.0/users

This method registers a new user on the server. This method does not take any parameters. On success, the response contains the new user information and HTTP status code 201.


POST /1.0.0/users HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: libcurl (nnAccount; 789f928b-138e-4b2f-afeb-1acae821d897; SDK; Add-on
Accept: */*
Authorization: Bearer eyJqa3UiOiJodHRwczovL2UwZDY3YzUwOWZiMjAzODU4ZWJjYjJmZTNmODhjMmFhLmJhYXMubmludGVuZG8uY29tLzEuMC4wL2ludGVybmFsX2NlcnRpZmljYXRlcyIsImFsZyI6IlJTMjU2Iiwia2lkIjoiMzA4M2MxYjItNWQ2OC00MzRiLWJlMzItMTFmOTE1NTcwNTAwIn0.eyJzdWIiOiJlZDllMmYwNWQyODZmN2I4IiwiYXVkIjoiZWQ5ZTJmMDVkMjg2ZjdiOCIsImJzOnN0cyI6WzM4NV0sIm5pbnRlbmRvIjp7ImR0IjoiTlggUHJvZCAxIiwicGMiOiJIQUMiLCJkaSI6IjY4MzM3YWNhMjg4MTVjYmIiLCJzbiI6IlhBVzEwMDEyMzQ1Njc4IiwiaXN0IjpmYWxzZX0sImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOi8vZTBkNjdjNTA5ZmIyMDM4NThlYmNiMmZlM2Y4OGMyYWEuYmFhcy5uaW50ZW5kby5jb20iLCJ0eXAiOiJ0b2tlbiIsImJzOmdydCI6MSwiZXhwIjoxNjMyNjg3NzAxLCJpYXQiOjE2MzI2NzY5MDEsImp0aSI6Ijg3OGQwNzM1LTU3MWEtNGI5NC04MmE2LTJiZjE4MzExNGRiMSJ9.oVn3eE81TJwApnNzhoUJTWhvJJasP5OpURctjSw-evHZVGXSnNbEcNHAGMHQu5QHU7IMiDlBaIM4hb0BU_l7h4EIPtZzZxys0tb4IbyHUD8SQdqjrA7GPadmfuJkIQYMJUUVikTIbAfmVuZ0asM1HjBUEpUjn9JzJgF6355oOePqrcQtWTWtsmthwPpfLj7RfPeGuXlc_89Yj6wBplDkpS3NQGrVULxLXoRBgi_cnhZpgnauorOkynby2EZC2UNfaMxpPXa5yNXPM2HQIiAlnd78Zk4Knl2ZH5xhKbtI6Fzeo0CmCCgzQYfYoh2xhR7WowVPpDNfZiwZ7XX0a3hZLw
Content-Length: 0
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 835
Last-Modified: Sun, 26 Sep 2021 19:21:43 GMT
Location: /1.0.0/users/f09c3d45cc3432c6
Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache
Pragma: no-cache
X-Cloud-Trace-Context: 7ce4b7892458ab7cb2b59ad859885437
Date: Sun, 26 Sep 2021 19:21:43 GMT
Server: Google Frontend
X-Cache: Miss from cloudfront
Via: 1.1 (CloudFront)
X-Amz-Cf-Pop: AMS1-C1
X-Amz-Cf-Id: 4uJpXHc1kKroh8tdpjO-x55dJLYyzudJ5VWnYdir2csFTjh5C7t3xA==
Connection: keep-alive


POST /1.0.0/image_upload

This method uploads a profile picture to the server. The request uses a JSON body.

Field Description
rawContent Base64-encoded JPEG
ownerId User id of owner
allowTransform Boolean

Response on success:

Field Description
id Image id
ownerId Owner id
owner Owner
state STORED
content Content
createdAt Created at (timestamp)
updatedAt Updated at (timestamp)

The owner has the following fields:

Field Description
id Owner id

The content has the following fields:

Field Description
id Image id
width Width
height Height
format jpg
url URL of uploaded image
urlExpiresAt Set to 2147483647

GET /1.0.0/users/<id>

This method does not take any parameters and simply returns the user information for the given user. If the access token does not belong to the given user, this method returns insufficient_scope.

PATCH /1.0.0/users/<id>

This method updates the given user. The following JSON patch paths are known to work:

  • /nickname
  • /country
  • /birthday
  • /thumbnailUrl
  • /extras/self/nxAccount
  • /permissions/personalAnalytics
  • /permissions/personalNotification
  • /permissions/friendRequestReception
  • /permissions/friends
  • /permissions/presence

DELETE /1.0.0/users/<id>/device_accounts/<id>

Delete the given device account. This method does not take any parameters. Returns HTTP status 204 on success.

POST /1.0.0/users/<id>/generate_code

Generates a new friend code. Returns the new user information on success. After generating a friend code, one cannot generate a new friend code for 24 hours.

Param Description
type NX

POST /1.0.0/users/<id>/link

Links a Nintendo account to the given device account.

Param Description
idp nintendoAccount
idToken ID token from Nintendo account

Returns the new user information.

GET /1.0.0/certificates

This method returns the JWK set for the id token that's issued by /1.0.0/login and /1.0.0/federation.

GET /1.0.0/internal_certificates

This method returns the JWK set for the access token that's issued by /1.0.0/application/token, /1.0.0/login and /1.0.0/federation.

User information

Field Description
id User id (16 hex digits)
etag ETag
nickname Nickname
country Country
birthday YYYY-MM-DD
thumbnailUrl Thumbnail URL
deviceAccounts List of device accounts
links Linked accounts
permissions Privacy settings
extras Extras
presence Online status
deleted Bool
blocksUpdatedAt Timestamp
friendsUpdatedAt Timestamp
createdAt Timestamp
updatedAt Timestamp

Device account

The password is only present once, when the account is created.

Field Description
id Device account id (16 hex digits)
password Device account password (40 random alphanumeric characters)

Linked accounts

Field Description
nintendoNetwork Nintendo network link
twitter Twitter account link
facebook Facebook account link
google Google account link
friendCode Friend code

Linked account

Field Description
id Account id
createdAt Timestamp
updatedAt Timestamp

Friend code link

Field Description
id Friend code
createdAt Timestamp
updatedAt Timestamp
regenerableAt Timestamp
regenerable Bool

Privacy settings

Field Description
personalAnalytics Bool
personalNotification Bool
friendRequestReception Bool
presenceUpdatedAt Timestamp
personalAnalyticsUpdatedAt Timestamp
personalNotificationUpdatedAt Timestamp

Online status

Field Description
extras Extras
updatedAt Timestamp
logoutAt Timestamp


Field Description
self Extras visible by no one
favoriteFriends Extras visible by best friends
friends Extras visible by all friends
foaf Extras visible by friends of a friend
everyone Extras visible by everyone

User extras

The following fields are stored in each of the extras.

Field Description
playLog JSON-encoded string containing a list of play log entries
nxAccount String that identifies the account (only present in 'self'-extras)

Presence extras

The following fields are stored in each of the extras.

Field Description
appInfo:appId Title id
appInfo:presenceGroupId Title id
appField JSON-encoded string

Play log entry

Field Description
appInfo:appId Title id
appInfo:presenceGroupId Title id
totalPlayCount Total play count
totalPlayTime Total play time in minutes
firstPlayedAt Timestamp
lastPlayedAt Timestamp


On error, the server sends the following response:

Field Description
status HTTP status code
errorCode Error name
title Error title
detail Error details
instance Path of the request that failed

Known Errors

Status Code Title Detail
404 resource_is_not_found Specified resource is not found Resource is not found
405 method_not_allowed Method Not Allowed Method Not Allowed
400 invalid_params Invalid Params invalid params
400 invalid_request Authorization header value is invalid Auth scheme or auth params is invalid
400 invalid_device_account Invalid Device Account Device Account's id or password is invalid
400 invalid_ndas_app_authn_token Invalid NDAS App AuthN Token
400 invalid_idp ? ?
400 invalid_idp_account Invalid IdP Account IdP account is invalid
400 linked_user_not_found Linked User Not Found linked user not found
400 invalid_friend_code_format ? ?
400 user_link_not_exist ? ?
400 invalid_raw_content Invalid Raw Content invalid raw content
401 invalid_token Token is invalid The access token was invalid
403 insufficient_scope Token is insufficient The access token does not have sufficient scope
403 forbidden ? ?
403 membership_required Membership Required
403 unavailable_device_account Unavailable Device Account Device Account is unavailable
403 banned_user ? ?
403 banned_user_by_application ? ?
404 deleted_user ? ?
406 not_acceptable_language ? ?
409 resource_already_exists ? ?
409 user_link_already_exists ? ?
412 precondition_failed ? ?
415 unsupported_media_type Unsupported Media Type unsupported media type
422 friend_code_unregenerable_state Friend Code Unregenerable State
500 internal_server_error Internal Server Error Internal Server Error
502 could_not_confirm_membership ? ?
503 under_maintenance ? ?


Environment Prefix
dd1 e97b8a9d672e4ce4845ec6947cd66ef6-sb
dp1 d9c8ea0e17f68bdeab8674c59f6fabda-sb
jd1 d78dbb1c550d43c6af49bf04c56bc094-sb
lp1 e0d67c509fb203858ebcb2fe3f88c2aa
sd1 96130dc402837b377c07719e6c9514de-sb
sp1 dc219b6b3aa8e06873733fda1def0e03-sb
td1 e03a97819c9711e59510d820a52f298a-sb
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