Wrapper to help with shared preferences. It provide static variable access to single preferences.
Repository link currently unavailable since bintray is no more
// MagicStringPreference("Shared_preference_file_name", "preference_name", "default_value");
// default shared preferences
public static final MagicStringPreference TEMPERATURE_UNIT = new MagicStringPreference(null, "temperature_unit", "C");
// custom shared preferences
public static final MagicStringPreference TEMPERATURE_UNIT = new MagicStringPreference("myCustom", "temperature_unit", "C");
// get temperature uses static variable plus context to open shared preferences
public String getTemperature(Cotnext context){
return TEMPERATURE_UNIT.get(context);
// set temperature uses static variable, value that should replace previuos one plus context to open shared preferences
public String setTemperature(Cotnext context, String temp){
return TEMPERATURE_UNIT.set(context, temp);