Shiny app dashboard that tracks clinical trials on coronavirus. Uses data from through the API. Link to Shiny App.
- Presents the number of trials started since outbreak and the number of recruiting trials.
- Displays the trials taking places in different cities on a world map.
- Presents simple visualizations about meta-data about the clinical trials i.e. top cities, top countries, top funders etc.
- Includes a co-condition network where a node is a condition and a link is treatment of two conditions together. It is an interactive network that can be viewed.
- Allows users to search the data and links to the website for more information.
- Created by Kishore Vasan, a student at the University of Washington. Please feel free to send me an email with suggestions/ features to add or reuse the code to create your own version of the app!
- Thanks to Simple Maps for providing the geolocation of various cities for free.