Forge is a JSON library that helps you map your Kotlin class from a JSON and vice versa in a functional way. Forge is highly inspired by Aeson, JSON parsing library in Haskell.
Have you ever wonder that how other JSON libraries out there work? Magic under the hood? or a complex annnotation processing? If that is something that you don't want, with Forge, we don't do any of those.
Forge aims to provide a full control over how to parse JSON into a Kotlin class, no more magic, no more annotation.
repositories {
jcenter() //or mavenCentral()
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.kittinunf.forge:forge:<latest-version>'
Given you have JSON as such
"id": 1,
"name": "Clementina DuBuque",
"age": 46,
"email": "[email protected]",
"phone": {
"name": "My Phone",
"model": "Pixel 3XL"
"friends": [
"id": 11,
"name": "Ervin Howell",
"age": 32,
"email": "[email protected]",
"phone": {
"name": "My iPhone",
"model": "iPhone X"
"friends": []
"dogs": [
"name": "Lucy",
"breed": "Dachshund",
"is_male": false
You can write your Kotlin class definition as such
data class User(val id: Int,
val name: String,
val age: Int,
val email: String?,
val phone: Phone,
val friends: List<User>,
val dogs: List<Dog>?)
data class Phone(val name: String, val model: String)
data class Dog(val name: String, val breed: String, val male: Boolean)
fun userDeserializer(json: JSON) =
map(json at "id").
apply(json at "name").
apply(json at "age").
apply(json maybeAt "email").
apply("phone", phoneDeserializer)), // phoneDeserializer is a lambda, use it directly
apply(json.list("friends", ::userDeserializer)). //userDeserializer is a function, use :: as a function reference
apply(json.maybeList("dogs", dogDeserializer))
val phoneDeserializer = { json: JSON ->
map(json at "name").
apply(json at "model")
val dogDeserializer = { json: JSON ->
map(json at "name").
apply(json at "breed").
apply(json at "is_male")
Viola!, then, you can deserialize your JSON like
//jsonContent is when you receive data as a JSON
val result = Forge.modelFromJson(jsonContent, ::userDeserializer)
when (result) {
DeserializedResult.Success -> {
val user = result.value
//success, do something with user
DeserializedResult.Failure -> {
val error = result.error
//failure, do something with error
You can also serialize you Kotlin class definition as JSON such:
fun userSerializer(user: User) = JSON.Object(mapOf(
"id" to,
"name" to,
"age" to user.age.toJson(),
"email" to,
"friends" to user.friends.toJson(::userSerializer),
"dogs" to user.dogs.maybeJson(::dogSerializer)
fun dogSerializer(dog: Dog) = JSON.Object(mapOf(
"name" to,
"breed" to dog.breed.toJson(),
"male" to dog.male.toJson()
val json = Forge.jsonFromModel(model, ::userSerializer)
/* ==>
"id": 1,
"name": "Clementina DuBuque",
"age": 46,
"email": "[email protected]",
"friends": [
"id": 11,
"name": "Ervin Howell",
"age": 32,
"email": "[email protected]",
"friends": []
"dogs": [
"name": "Lucy",
"breed": "Dachshund",
"is_male": false
Forge is brought to you by contributors.
Forge is released under the MIT license.