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Dimitrios Zorbas edited this page Apr 18, 2017 · 1 revision

Work in progress..

Fetching data from widgets

    > GET /widgets

    < 200 OK
    < {
    <   "topic_1: { "message": "something" },
    <   "topic_2: { "other_key": "I'm cached" }
    < }

    > GET /widgets/topic_1
    < {
    <   "message": "something"
    < }


To reload a single dashboard by specifying the dashboard in the URL, send a request POST /dashboards/sample with the following body:

{"command": "reload"}

To reload a single dashboard by specifying the dashboard in the request body, send a post request: POST /dashboards with the following body:

{"command": "reload", "dashboard": "sample"}

To reload all dashboards, send a post request: POST /dashboards with the following body:

{"command": "reload"}