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RESTful API using AspNetCore.Identity and OpenID Connect

  • ASP.NET Core 2.0
  • Entity Framework Core 2.0
  • Code First Migration
  • OpenIdConnect.Server
  • AspNetCore.Identity 2.0
  • EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer
  • Automapper

Referenced Microsoft and chsakell's REST API best practice


  1. Clone or download this project
  2. Click ContosoUniversity.sln and open with Visual Studio 2017
  3. Navigate to Build - Rebuild Solution
  4. Navigate to Tools - Extensions and Updates..
  5. Click Online located on the left side and search for Open Command Line and install (restart Visual Studio)
  6. Click on ContosoUniversity.API project on the Solution Explorer, and press ALT + SPACE to open up CLI
  7. Run this migration command: dotnet ef migrations add InitialDatabase -c ContosoContext
  8. Run another command which creates database: dotnet ef database update -c ContosoContext
  9. In Startup.cs, uncomment seeder.InitializeData().Wait(); from Configure method
  10. Press F5 to run the project. (Make sure ContosoUniversity.API is set as startup project)

Best Practice

  • Separation of concerns is widely applied so the codes are not tightly coupled. (Ex: repository patterns)
  • Used Automapper to prevent from over-posting attacks
  • Fluent validation is used
  • RESTful HTTP API using JSON as a data format
  • JWT(JSON Web Tokens) based security (Authentication, Authorization & API calls)

Test API

Use Postman or other API testing tools

  • Retrieve all instructors:

    GET http://localhost:51089/api/instructors

  • Access Apis based on a role (Admin or User):

    POST http://localhost:51089/connect/token

    Create Keys & Values in Body tab, x-www-form-urlencoded section using admin account and copy access_token value


 GET http://localhost:51089/api/admin where it is decorated with [Authorize(Roles = "Admin")] attribute.

Create Key & Value clicking Headers tab. Paste the access_token value in the Value textbox: Bearer eyjhb...



ASP.NET Core 2.0






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