A playground with various modules, written in SystemVerilog, with a project setup to simplify working routines.
- Install Vivado 2024.2.1
- Install Rust:
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
- Install Verilator:
brew install verilator
- Install VS Code:
brew install --cask visual-studio-code
- Install Slang
- Install verible_verilog_ls:
brew tap chipsalliance/verible brew install verible
- Install the Verilog/SystemVerilog Tools plugin for VS Code and specify paths to Slang and Verible Verilog LS.

├── arty_a7.srcs # Constraints and specific Vivado files
├── hosts/arty-a7-tests # Rust project to run tests
├── vsrc # Module source files in SystemVerilog
├── .gitignore # Ignore files generated by Vivado
├── arty_a7.xpr # Vivado project file
└── README.md
To run tests, execute the following command from the /hosts/arty-a7-tests
cargo test