A little program that accepts the accounting file from SGE (Some Grid Engine/Son of Grid Engine/Sun Grid Engine), and generates usage reports group by certain external objects in Active Directory (AD).
python3 -m nqacct
usage: __main__.py [-h] -i INPUT [--outdir OUTDIR] -c
-g {user,group,ad_manager,ad_dept} [-G GROUPLIST]
[-p {Y,M}] [-y YEARS] [-d] [-v]
__main__.py: error: the following arguments are required: -i/--input, -c/--cluster, -g/--groupby
python -m nqacct -i ./sge_accounting -c cluster1 --groupby ad_manager
python -m nqacct -i ./sge_accounting -c cluster1 --groupby ad_manager --grouplist mng01,mgr02,teamlead08
python -m nqacct -i ./sge_accounting -c cluster1 --groupby ad_dept --grouplist Genomic Team,Adv Lab,DICE
python -m nqacct -i ./sge_accounting -c cluster1 --groupby user --grouplist klin,user01,user02 --years 2021,2020