Small demo application how to extract NER with spaCy.
It is based on this article
The example can run in python or be compiled to a single .exe (with pyinstaller ). This example uses python 3.7, because the spaCy packages are precompiled for this version (for later version you have to compile spaCy youyself).
// Create python virtual environment (only once)
python -m venv .env
// Activate environment
pip install -U spacy
// Download models (
python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
// Install PyInstaller (only needed when you need to create .exe)
// Build executable
pyinstaller -F main.spec
// The application will pass plaintext.txt to spaCy and then output NER
// Run executable
copy planintext.txt ./dist/
cd ./dist/
PyInstaller Quickstart — PyInstaller bundles Python applications