Myna is a JS library that takes a tweet object and compiles it to machine speakable text. This speakable text can be easily spoken by text-to-speech engine.
For example, following my tweet:
"OH: Myna is #SuperAwsome for #TTS and #TwitterBeginners! It is written by @kn"
compiles into plain English:
"Katsuya Noguchi overheard: Myna is Super Awesome for TTS and Twitter Beginners! It is written by Katsuya Noguchi"
Download myna-min.js file.
Add following tag into your html file:
<script type="text/javascript" src="public/javascripts/myna-min.js"></script>
Compile a tweet object to speakable text with urls removed:
speakable = Myna.compile(tweet);
Compile a tweet object to speakable text with urls included:
speakable = Myna.compile(tweet, {withURL: true});
That's it!
- OH -> "Over heard"
- RT -> "Retweeted"
- HT -> "Heard through"
- @screenname -> "Full Name"
- #HashTag -> "Hash Tag"
- #Hash_Tag -> "Hash Tag"
- url -> "" (This is configurable)
- w/ -> "with"
- :) -> ""
- & -> "and"
- and more smart compilation!
tweet = {
"text": "Myna is awesome!",
"user": {
"id": 29733,
"name": "Katsuya Noguchi",
"screen_name": "kn"
"entities": { "urls": [], "hashtags": [], "user_mentions": [] }
returns "Katsuya Noguchi tweeted: Myna is awesome"
tweet = {
"text": "OH: Myna is awesome!",
"user": {
"id": 29733,
"name": "Katsuya Noguchi",
"screen_name": "kn"
"entities": { "urls": [], "hashtags": [], "user_mentions": [] }
returns "Katsuya Noguchi overheard: Myna is awesome!"
tweet = {
"text": "Here's @BarcelonaFC preparing for the big game against @RealMadrid",
"user": {
"id": 29733,
"name": "Katsuya Noguchi",
"screen_name": "kn"
"entities": { "urls": [], "hashtags": [],
"user_mentions": [{
"name": "Barcelona FC",
"id": 15473839,
"indices": [7, 18],
"screen_name": "BarcelonaFC"
}, {
"name": "Real Madrid",
"id": 15473840,
"indices": [59, 69],
"screen_name": "RealMadrid"
}] }
returns "Katsuya Noguchi tweeted: Here's Barcelona FC preparing for the big game against Real Madrid"
For more examples, please take a look at myna_spec.[coffee|js] file.
To run a test, from the project root, run:
rake test
Your default browser will open the test suite.
Official versions are kept in the pkg/
directory. To build a package run the following from project root:
rake build
This will make a new file at pkg/myna-version.js
Please direct bug reports to the myna issue tracker on GitHub
Copyright 2012 Katsuya Noguchi
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this work except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License in the LICENSE file, or at:
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.