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Final (?) updates to PACE figures
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Kaitlin Naughten authored and Kaitlin Naughten committed May 25, 2021
1 parent 4c742f5 commit 15b2afd
Showing 1 changed file with 166 additions and 43 deletions.
209 changes: 166 additions & 43 deletions projects/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2209,7 +2209,7 @@ def calc_all_trends (base_dir='./', timeseries_file=''):
# Calculate trend in control
slope, sig = read_calc_trends(var_names[v], ctrl_dir+timeseries_file, 'smooth', p0=0.1)
if sig:
print '(control: '+str(slope)+' '+units[v]+'/decade)'
print '(control: '+str(slope)+' '+units[v]+'/decade)'
print '(control: none)'

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2417,7 +2417,7 @@ def plot_ts_casts_obs (obs_dir='/data/oceans_input/processed_input_data/pierre_c
# Plot each year of observations in thin grey
for t in range(obs_num_years):
ax.plot(obs_data[r,v,t,:], obs_depth, color='DimGrey', linewidth=0.5, label=('Observations (each year)' if t==0 else None))
ax.plot(obs_data[r,v,t,:], obs_depth, color='DimGrey', linewidth=(1.5 if r==2 and obs_years[t]==2000 else 0.5), label=('Observations (each year)' if t==0 else None))
# Plot each year of model output in thin light blue or red
for t in range(model_num_years1):
ax.plot(model_data1[r,v,t,:], model_depth, color='DodgerBlue', linewidth=0.5, label=('Model (each year, '+model_year_str1+')' if t==0 else None))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2984,13 +2984,15 @@ def plot_test_heat_budget (base_dir='./', fig_name=None):
# Plot a map of the trend in horizontal advection of heat at the given depth.
def plot_advection_heat_map (base_dir='./', trend_dir='./', fig_dir='./', z0=-400):

import matplotlib.patheffects as pthe

base_dir = real_dir(base_dir)
trend_dir = real_dir(trend_dir)
fig_dir = real_dir(fig_dir)
grid_path = base_dir + 'PAS_grid/'
grid = Grid(grid_path)
p0 = 0.05
threshold = 150
threshold = 125
region_labels = ['G', 'D', 'Cr', 'T', 'P', 'Co', 'A', 'V', 'DG', 'PITW', 'PITE', 'PIB', 'BR']
label_x = [-124, -112.3, -111.5, -106.5, -100.4, -100.5, -95, -87, -117, -111.5, -106, -103.2, -110]
label_y = [-74.5, -74.375, -75, -75, -75.2, -73.65, -72.9, -73.1, -72.25, -71.45, -71.34, -74.75, -73.95]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3042,9 +3044,10 @@ def read_component (key):
ax.contour(grid.lon_2d, grid.lat_2d, grid.bathy, levels=[z_shelf], colors=('blue'), linewidths=1)
# Overlay vectors in regions with strongest trends
overlay_vectors(ax, advx_trend, advy_trend, grid, chunk_x=9, chunk_y=6, scale=1e4, headwidth=4, headlength=5)
# Add ice shelf labels
# Add region labels
for n in range(num_labels):
plt.text(label_x[n], label_y[n], region_labels[n], fontsize=labelsize[n], ha='center', va='center', weight='bold', color='blue')
txt = plt.text(label_x[n], label_y[n], region_labels[n], fontsize=labelsize[n], ha='center', va='center', weight='bold', color='blue')
txt.set_path_effects([pthe.withStroke(linewidth=2, foreground='w')])
cax = fig.add_axes([0.93, 0.15, 0.02, 0.65])
cbar = plt.colorbar(img, cax=cax, extend='max')
finished_plot(fig, fig_name=fig_dir+'advection_heat_map.png', dpi=300)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3465,7 +3468,7 @@ def precompute_hb_hovmoller (var_name, output_dir, grid_dir, hovmoller_file='hov

# Plot profiles of temperature in four regions, showing the evolution of the PACE ensemble mean each decade as well as the ensemble mean trend at each depth.
# Plot profiles of temperature in four regions, showing the evolution of the PACE ensemble mean each decade as well as the ensemble mean trend at each depth (with and without convective periods).
def plot_ts_casts_changes (base_dir='./', fig_dir='./'):

base_dir = real_dir(base_dir)
Expand All @@ -3474,10 +3477,10 @@ def plot_ts_casts_changes (base_dir='./', fig_dir='./'):
grid = Grid('PAS_grid/')
num_ens = 20
sim_dir = ['PAS_ERA5'] + ['PAS_PACE'+str(n+1).zfill(2) for n in range(num_ens)]
regions = ['amundsen_shelf_break', 'amundsen_shelf', 'pine_island_bay', 'pig_cavity']
regions = ['amundsen_shelf', 'amundsen_shelf_break', 'pine_island_bay', 'dotson_bay']
num_regions = len(regions)
region_titles = [r'$\bf{a}$. Shelf break', r'$\bf{b}$. Shelf', r'$\bf{c}$. Pine Island Bay', r'$\bf{d}$. PIG cavity']
hovmoller_file = ['', '', '', ''] # I realise this is horrible but merging the files always gets rid of the land mask and I can't seem to fix it...
region_titles = [r'$\bf{a}$. Amundsen Sea continental shelf', r'$\bf{b}$. Shelf break', r'$\bf{c}$. Pine Island Bay', r'$\bf{d}$. Dotson front']
hovmoller_file = ['', '', '', ''] # I realise this is horrible but merging the files always gets rid of the land mask and I can't seem to fix it...
start_year = 1920
end_year = 2013
num_decades = int((end_year-start_year+1)/10)
Expand All @@ -3487,11 +3490,18 @@ def plot_ts_casts_changes (base_dir='./', fig_dir='./'):
depth = -grid.z
z_deep = 1500
z_ticks = np.arange(0, z_deep+250, 250)

# Read all the Hovmoller data
regions_iso = ['amundsen_shelf', '', 'pine_island_bay', 'dotson_bay']
isotherms = [0.5, None, 0, -1]
z0 = [-440, None, -470, -430]
var_head_iso = [r + '_isotherm_' for r in regions_iso]
var_tail_iso = 'C_below_100m'
file_paths_iso = [base_dir+d+'/output/' for d in sim_dir]

# Read all the data
era5_temp =[num_regions,])
pace_temp_decades =[num_regions, num_ens, num_decades,])
pace_temp_trends =[num_regions, num_ens,])
pace_temp_trends_noconv =[num_regions, num_ens,])
era5_t0 = None
pace_t0 = None
for n in range(num_ens+1):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3521,66 +3531,179 @@ def plot_ts_casts_changes (base_dir='./', fig_dir='./'):
# Have to loop over depth values to calculate trends at each depth
for k in range(
pace_temp_trends[r,n-1,k] = linregress(time_smoothed, temp_smoothed[:,k])[0]
# Now calculate ensemble means
# Now read the isotherm depth and smooth
if len(regions_iso[r]) > 0:
iso_depth = read_netcdf(file_paths_iso[n], var_head_iso[r]+str(isotherms[r])+var_tail_iso)[pace_t0:]
iso_depth_smoothed = moving_average(iso_depth, smooth)
# Calculate trend of non-convective periods only
index = iso_depth_smoothed >= z0[r]
for k in range(
temp_lev = temp_smoothed[:,k]
pace_temp_trends_noconv[r,n-1,k] = linregress(time_smoothed[index], temp_lev[index])[0]
# Now calculate ensemble means, and mask out any regions where ensemble trend is not significant (as well as the land mask)
pace_temp_decades_mean = np.mean(pace_temp_decades, axis=1)
pace_temp_trends_mean = np.mean(pace_temp_trends, axis=1)
# Zero out any regions where ensemble trend is not significant
t_val, p_val = ttest_1samp(pace_temp_trends, 0, axis=1)
pace_temp_trends_mean[p_val > p0] = 0
# Now mask out anything that's 0 (will include non-significant regions as well as land mask)
pace_temp_trends_mean =, pace_temp_trends_mean)

# Get mean ice draft and bathymetry at PIG ice shelf front
pig_front_mask = grid.get_icefront_mask(shelf='pig')
pig_front_draft = -1*area_average(apply_mask(grid.draft, np.invert(pig_front_mask)), grid)
pig_front_bathy = -1*area_average(apply_mask(grid.bathy, np.invert(pig_front_mask)), grid)

# Plot (didn't actually end up using ERA5)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9,9))
gs = plt.GridSpec(2,13)
gs.update(left=0.08, right=0.95, bottom=0.09, top=0.93, wspace=0.05, hspace=0.27)
def ensemble_trend (trends):
mean_trends = np.mean(trends, axis=1)
t_val, p_val = ttest_1samp(trends, 0, axis=1)
mean_trends[p_val > p0] = 0
mean_trends =, mean_trends)
return mean_trends
pace_temp_trends_mean = ensemble_trend(pace_temp_trends)
pace_temp_trends_noconv_mean = ensemble_trend(pace_temp_trends_noconv)

# Get mean ice draft and bathymetry at PIG and Dotson ice shelf fronts
front_draft = []
front_bathy = []
for shelf in ['pig', 'dotson']:
front_mask = grid.get_icefront_mask(shelf=shelf)
front_draft.append(-1*area_average(apply_mask(grid.draft, np.invert(front_mask)), grid))
front_bathy.append(-1*area_average(apply_mask(grid.bathy, np.invert(front_mask)), grid))

# Plot (didn't actually end up using ERA5 or PIG/Dotson ice shelf fronts)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9,8))
gs = plt.GridSpec(8,20)
gs.update(left=0.08, right=0.95, bottom=0.1, top=0.91, wspace=0.1, hspace=0.3)
cmap = truncate_colourmap(plt.get_cmap('plasma_r'), minval=0.05, maxval=0.95)
colours = cmap(np.linspace(0, 1, num=num_decades))
norm = cl.Normalize(vmin=start_year, vmax=int(end_year/10)*10)
sm =, norm=norm)
decade_ticks = np.arange(start_year, (int(end_year/10)+1)*10, 10)
for r in range(num_regions):
i_start = 7*(r%2)
# Plot temperature profile for each decade
ax = plt.subplot(gs[r/2, i_start:i_start+3])
if r == 0:
ax = plt.subplot(gs[:4,:10])
i_start = 7*(r-1)
ax = plt.subplot(gs[5:,i_start:i_start+3])
# Plot each decade along the colourmap
for t in range(num_decades):
ax.plot(pace_temp_decades_mean[r,t,:], depth, color=colours[t], linewidth=1.5)
ax.set_title('Temperature ('+deg_string+'C)', fontsize=13)
if r==0:
ax.set_title('Temperature ('+deg_string+'C)', fontsize=15)
ax.set_ylim([z_deep, 0])
if r==0:
ax.set_ylabel('Depth (m)', fontsize=11)
# Now plot the trends in the PACE ensemble
ax = plt.subplot(gs[r/2, i_start+3:i_start+6])
if r > 1:
# Now plot the trends in the PACE ensemble, with and without convection
if r == 0:
ax = plt.subplot(gs[:4,10:])
ax = plt.subplot(gs[5:,i_start+3:i_start+6])
ax.plot(pace_temp_trends_mean[r,:], depth, color='black', linewidth=1.5)
ax.set_title('Trend ('+deg_string+'C/century)', fontsize=13)
ax.plot(pace_temp_trends_mean[r,:], depth, color='black', linewidth=1.5, label=('Trend of full simulation' if r==num_regions-1 else None))
if len(regions_iso[r]) > 0:
ax.plot(pace_temp_trends_noconv_mean[r,:], depth, color='blue', linewidth=1.5, label=('Trend excluding convective periods' if r==num_regions-1 else None))
if r==0:
ax.set_title('Trend ('+deg_string+'C/century)', fontsize=15)
ax.set_ylim([z_deep, 0])
if r in [2, 3]:
ax.axhline(pig_front_draft, color='black', linestyle='dashed')
ax.axhline(pig_front_bathy, color='black', linestyle='dashed')
plt.text(0.25+0.5*(r%2), 0.975-0.47*(r/2), region_titles[r], fontsize=16, ha='center', va='center', transform=fig.transFigure)
cax = fig.add_axes([0.2, 0.03, 0.6, 0.02])
if r==0:
x0 = 0.5
y0 = 0.975
x0 = 0.21+0.31*(r-1)
y0 = 0.41
plt.text(x0, y0, region_titles[r], fontsize=(20 if r==0 else 15), ha='center', va='center', transform=fig.transFigure)
if r==1:
plt.text(0.5, 0.45, 'Local variations', fontsize=20, ha='center', va='center', transform=fig.transFigure)
ax.legend(loc='lower right', bbox_to_anchor=(1,-0.35), fontsize=11)
cax = fig.add_axes([0.02, 0.03, 0.5, 0.02])
cbar = plt.colorbar(sm, cax=cax, ticks=0.5*(decade_ticks[:-1]+decade_ticks[1:]), boundaries=decade_ticks, orientation='horizontal')[str(y)+'s' for y in decade_ticks[:-1]])
finished_plot(fig, fig_name=fig_dir+'ts_casts_changes.png', dpi=300)

# Plot the 200-700 m temperature trend in 3 regions, and its sensitivity to excluding convective periods plus a delay of up to 5 years.
def plot_trends_ex_convection (base_dir='./', fig_dir='./'):

regions = ['amundsen_shelf', 'pine_island_bay', 'dotson_bay']
region_titles = [r'$\bf{a}$. Shelf', r'$\bf{b}$. Pine Island Bay', r'$\bf{c}$. Dotson front']
isotherms = [0.5, 0, -1]
z0 = [-440, -470, -430]
var_head_iso = [r + '_isotherm_' for r in regions]
var_tail_iso = 'C_below_100m'
var_tail_temp = '_temp_btw_200_700m'
num_regions = len(regions)
smooth = 24
max_delay = 5
start_year = 1920
num_ens = 20
base_dir = real_dir(base_dir)
fig_dir = real_dir(fig_dir)
sim_dir = ['PAS_PACE'+str(n+1).zfill(2) for n in range(num_ens)]
file_paths_iso = [base_dir+d+'/output/' for d in sim_dir]
file_paths_temp = [base_dir+d+'/output/' for d in sim_dir]
p0 = 0.01

# Inner function to calculate mean and flag if it's not significant
def calc_mean_sig (trends):
p_val = ttest_1samp(trends, 0)[1]
if p_val >= p0:
print 'Warning: trend not significant at '+str((1-p0)*100)+'% level'
return np.mean(trends)

trends_base_mean = np.empty(num_regions)
trends_noconv_mean = np.empty([max_delay+1, num_regions])
for r in range(num_regions):
trends_base = np.empty(num_ens)
trends_noconv = np.empty([max_delay+1, num_ens])
for n in range(num_ens):
time = netcdf_time(file_paths_iso[n], monthly=False)
t0 = index_year_start(time, start_year)
time = time[t0:]
time_cent = np.array([(t-time[0]).total_seconds() for t in time])/(365*sec_per_day*100)
iso_depth = read_netcdf(file_paths_iso[n], var_head_iso[r]+str(isotherms[r])+var_tail_iso)[t0:]
temp = read_netcdf(file_paths_temp[n], regions[r]+var_tail_temp)[t0:]
iso_depth_smooth, time_smooth = moving_average(iso_depth, smooth, time=time_cent)
temp_smooth = moving_average(temp, smooth)
# Calculate baseline trend
trends_base[n] = linregress(time_smooth, temp_smooth)[0]
# Calculate trend with convective periods excluded
index = iso_depth_smooth >= z0[r]
trends_noconv[0,n] = linregress(time_smooth[index], temp_smooth[index])[0]
# Calculate trend with convective periods plus a delay excluded, ranging from 1 to 5 years
for y in range(1, max_delay+1):
arg = np.argwhere(iso_depth_smooth < z0[r])
for t in arg:
temp_smooth[t[0]:t[0]+12*(y+1)] = -999
index = temp_smooth != -999
trends_noconv[y,n] = linregress(time_smooth[index], temp_smooth[index])[0]
# Calculate ensemble mean trends and significance
trends_base_mean[r] = calc_mean_sig(trends_base)
for y in range(max_delay+1):
trends_noconv_mean[y,r] = calc_mean_sig(trends_noconv[y,:])
print regions[r] + ': trend decreases by '+str((trends_base_mean[r]-trends_noconv_mean[0,r])/trends_base_mean[r]*100)+'%'

# Plot
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,4))
gs = plt.GridSpec(1,3)
gs.update(left=0.08, right=0.98, bottom=0.2, top=0.83, wspace=0.1)
for r in range(num_regions):
ax = plt.subplot(gs[0,r])
ax.axhline(trends_base_mean[r], color='black', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1.5, label=('Trend of full simulation' if r==num_regions-1 else None))
ax.plot(np.arange(max_delay+1), trends_noconv_mean[:,r], color='blue', linewidth=1.5, label=('Trend excluding convective periods' if r==num_regions-1 else None))
ax.set_title(region_titles[r], fontsize=14)
ax.set_xlim([0, max_delay])
ax.set_ylim([0, np.amax(trends_base_mean)+0.05])
if r==0:
ax.set_xlabel('Years excluded\npost-convection', fontsize=11)
ax.set_ylabel(deg_string+'C/century', fontsize=11)
if r==num_regions-1:
ax.legend(loc='lower center', bbox_to_anchor=(0,-0.34), fontsize=11)
plt.suptitle('Temperature trend (200-700m)', fontsize=16)
finished_plot(fig, fig_name=fig_dir+'trends_ex_convection.png', dpi=300)

Expand Down

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