libwb Compiling and Running on Linux and Windows by Tran Minh Quan This is a tutorial explains how to compile and run your Machine Problems (MPs) offline without separating on building libwb.
Caution: If you don't have NVIDIA GPUs (CUDA Capable GPUs) on your local machine, you cannot run the executable binaries.
First, regardless your platform is, please install CUDA 5.5 and Cmake 2.8 ( , then set the path appropriate to these things (linux).
Check out the source codes (only skeleton codes) for MPs as following
git clone
- If you are under Linux environment, you should use gcc lower than 4.7 (mine is 4.4.7). Ortherwise, it will not be compatible with nvcc
cd libwb ls mkdir build cd build/ cmake .. make -j4 ./MP0