- CMake
- NodeJS
- Binaries for the third party libraries that aren't open source
All the third party binaries must be installed either in the correct OS path for third party libraries, or inside
the lib/
Structure of the lib directory:
├── include
│ ├── fmod.cs
│ ├── fmod.h
│ ├── fmod.hpp
│ ├── fmod_codec.h
│ ├── fmod_common.h
│ ├── fmod_dsp.cs
│ ├── fmod_dsp.h
│ ├── fmod_dsp_effects.h
│ ├── fmod_errors.cs
│ ├── fmod_errors.h
│ ├── fmod_output.h
│ ├── mbedtls/
│ ├── NoesisLicense.h
│ ├── NoesisPCH.h
│ ├── NsCore/
│ ├── NsDrawing/
│ ├── NsGui/
│ ├── NsMath/
│ ├── NsRender/
│ ├── psa/
│ ├── sodium/
│ └── sodium.h
└── x86_64
├── linux
│ ├── libfmod.so -> libfmod.so.13.5
│ ├── libfmod.so.13 -> libfmod.so.13.5
│ ├── libfmod.so.13.5
│ ├── libfmodL.so -> libfmodL.so.13.5
│ ├── libfmodL.so.13 -> libfmodL.so.13.5
│ ├── libfmodL.so.13.5
│ └── libNoesis.so
└── windows
├── fmod.dll
├── fmod_vc.lib
├── fmodL.dll
├── fmodL_vc.lib
├── libsodium.lib
├── libsodium.pdb
├── mbedcrypto.lib
├── mbedTLS.lib
├── mbedx509.lib
├── Noesis.dll
├── Noesis.lib
└── quickjs.lib
You can get in contact with one of the members of the team to get this lib.zip
directory if it hasn't already been
provided to you. Do to licence issues, we cannot provide these binaries inside the repository.
git clone --recursive https://github.com/knot-alot/knoting.git
cd knoting
# In the root of the repository
npm i -g typescript
cd res/scripts
tsc # Output directory is `res/scripts/out`
After the first compilation the last step of running tsc
is automated by the build pipeline.
# In the root of the repository
mkdir bld
cd bld
cmake .. # Recommended 'cmake -G Ninja ..' to use the Ninja build system
# Make sure to be building to the correct architecture of the provided binaries for the third party libraries
# The provided binaries are targeting x64
cmake --build . --parallel
# If 'dist/res/scripts' is empty, please run `cmake ..` once again after making sure that `res/scripts/out` is populated
# It takes one environment variable, 'KNOTING_SERVER' which denotes the IP to either host, or connect to
# The build output is located in 'dist/bin/knoting' and the CWD does not matter
# In the 'bld' directory of the repository
# Client
./dist/bin/knoting client
# Server
./dist/bin/knoting server