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PocketBase ORM

A Python ORM (Object-Relational Mapper) for PocketBase that provides Pydantic model integration and automatic schema synchronization.


  • 🚀 Pydantic model integration for data validation and serialization
  • 🔄 Automatic schema synchronization with PocketBase collections
  • 📦 Support for most PocketBase field types including relations and file uploads
  • 🛠️ Simple and intuitive API for CRUD operations


uv install pocketbase-orm

Quick Start

from pocketbase_orm import PBModel
from pydantic import EmailStr, AnyUrl, Field
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from pocketbase.client import FileUpload

# Define your models
class RelatedModel(PBModel, collection="related_models"):  # Optionally specify collection name
    name: str

class Example(PBModel):  # Collection name will be "examples" by default
    text_field: str
    number_field: int
    is_active: bool
    url_field: AnyUrl
    created_at: datetime
    options: list[str]
    email_field: EmailStr | None = None
    related_model: RelatedModel | str = Field(..., description="Related model reference")
    image: FileUpload | str = Field(..., description="Image file upload")

# Initialize PocketBase client and bind it to the ORM
client = PBModel.init_client(
    "[email protected]",

# Sync collection schemas

# Create and save records
related_model = RelatedModel(name="Related Model")

# Create a new record with file upload
with open("image.png", "rb") as f:
    example = Example(
        text_field="Test with image",
        email_field="[email protected]",
        options=["option1", "option2"],,
        image=FileUpload(("image.png", f))

# Query records
full_list = Example.get_full_list()
one = Example.get_one("RECORD_ID")
first = Example.get_first_list_item(filter='email_field = "[email protected]"')
filtered_list = Example.get_list(filter='email_field = "[email protected]"')

# Get file contents
image_bytes = example.get_file_contents("image")

Model Definition

Models inherit from PBModel and use Pydantic field types:

from enum import Enum

class UserType(str, Enum):
    ADMIN = "admin"
    REGULAR = "regular"
    GUEST = "guest"

class MyModel(PBModel, collection="my_models"):  # Specify custom collection name
    name: str
    age: int
    email: EmailStr | None = None
    user_type: UserType  # Will be created as a select field in PocketBase

The collection name will be automatically derived from the class name (pluralized) if not specified using the collection parameter when subclassing PBModel.

Supported Field Types

  • Text: str
  • Number: int, float
  • Boolean: bool
  • Email: EmailStr
  • URL: AnyUrl
  • DateTime: datetime
  • JSON: List, Dict
  • File: FileUpload | str
  • Relation: Union[RelatedModel, str]
  • Select: Enum

API Reference

Class Methods

  • bind_client(client: PocketBase): Bind PocketBase client to the model class
  • sync_collection(): Create or update the collection schema in PocketBase
  • delete_collection(): Delete the entire collection from PocketBase
  • get_one(id: str, **kwargs) -> T: Get a single record by ID
  • get_list(*args, **kwargs) -> List[T]: Get a paginated list of records
  • get_full_list(*args, **kwargs) -> List[T]: Get all records
  • get_first_list_item(*args, **kwargs) -> T: Get the first matching record
  • delete_by_id(id: str, **kwargs): Delete a record by ID

Instance Methods

  • save() -> T: Create or update the record
  • delete(): Delete the current record
  • get_file_contents(field: str) -> bytes: Get the contents of a file field


  • The ORM currently supports basic CRUD operations and schema synchronization
  • Complex queries should use the PocketBase client directly
  • Relationship handling is limited to single relations
  • Indexes must be created manually
  • Schemas need to be updated manually until this issue is resolved


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.