A REST-API application to get you started with performing CRUD operations.
Before running application, you will need to have downloaded MongoDB, Postman and Robomongo. Follow documentations on each respective website to get started.
- Clone or download the zip file onto your computer.
- Open folder in preferred text editor.
- Run mongod on its own terminal
- On another terminal install all dependencies with the following command
npm install
- Type the following command to run express server on port 3000
nodemon app
- Open Postman from your Chrome apps section and start creating, deleting, updating or removing data.Note: app can modified to users or developers needs.
- Run Robomongo to view collections in a clear manner.
- Happy Coding.
Although you are free to use this application as you wish, we appreciate a shout out to Creativebitstudio or a link to our codebits website https://www.creativebitstudio.com/codebits
- Developed for CreativeBitStudio by Danny Mack - Full Stack Developer.
- Developer Feedback or for Hire: [email protected].
- To contact or hire us: [email protected].
- Website: www.creativebitstudio.com