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Templating (#1)
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* FSX template based generator script for scaffolding new days
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kodfodrasz authored Dec 16, 2024
1 parent 477ac53 commit facc57c
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Showing 4 changed files with 217 additions and 3 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
<Compile Include="Templates\DayTestsTemplate.fs" />
<Compile Include="Day1Tests.fs" />
<Compile Include="Day2Tests.fs" />
<Compile Include="Day3Tests.fs" />
Expand Down
50 changes: 50 additions & 0 deletions Kodfodrasz.AoC.Year2024.Tests/Templates/DayTestsTemplate.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
module private Kodfodrasz.AoC.Year2024.Tests.DayXTests

open Xunit
open Swensen.Unquote.Assertions

open Kodfodrasz.AoC.Year2024
open Kodfodrasz.AoC.Year2024.DayX

let exampleInput = """
3 4
4 3
2 5
1 3
3 9
3 3

[<Fact(Skip="This is a template")>]
let ``Parsing example input`` () =
let expected: Result<obj list, string> = Ok [
3, 4;
4, 3;
2, 5;
1, 3;
3, 9;
3, 3;

<@ let actual = parseInput exampleInput
actual = expected @>

[<Fact(Skip="This is a template")>]
let ``Answer 1 for example input`` () =
let input = parseInput exampleInput

<@ let actual = Result.bind answer1 input
let expected: Result<int, string> = Ok 11
actual = expected @>

[<Fact(Skip="This is a template")>]
let ``Answer 2 for example input`` () =
let input = parseInput exampleInput

<@ let actual = Result.bind answer2 input
let expected: Result<int, string> = Ok 31
actual = expected @>
4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions Kodfodrasz.AoC.Year2024/Templates/DayTemplate.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
[<Kodfodrasz.AoC.AdventOfCode.IgnoreSolver("This is a template. Delete attribute when using")>]
module Kodfodrasz.AoC.Year2024.DayX

let solverName = "TODO"

open System
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
open Kodfodrasz.AoC
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -32,7 +30,7 @@ let answer2 (data : _ list) =
failwith "TODO"

type Solver() =
inherit SolverBase(solverName)
inherit SolverBase("<SOLVER_NAME>")
override this.Solve input =
Expand Down
165 changes: 165 additions & 0 deletions add_day.fsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
#r "nuget: Argu"
#r "nuget: FSharp.Data"

open System
open System.IO
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
open Argu
open FSharp.Data

// Constants
let projectYear = 2024
let solutionsFsproj = sprintf "Kodfodrasz.AoC.Year%d/Kodfodrasz.AoC.Year%d.fsproj" projectYear projectYear
let testsFsproj = sprintf "Kodfodrasz.AoC.Year%d.Tests/Kodfodrasz.AoC.Year%d.Tests.fsproj" projectYear projectYear
let templateSolutionFile = sprintf "Kodfodrasz.AoC.Year%d/Templates/DayTemplate.fs" projectYear
let templateTestFile = sprintf "Kodfodrasz.AoC.Year%d.Tests/Templates/DayTestsTemplate.fs" projectYear

// Argument parser
type CLIArgs =
| Day of int
interface IArgParserTemplate with
member s.Usage =
match s with
| Day _ -> "Specifies the day (integer). If not provided, assumes today's date if in December."

let getDayFromArguments (parsedArguments:ParseResults<CLIArgs>) =
match parsedArguments.TryGetResult CLIArgs.Day with
| Some day ->
if day > 0 && day <= 31 then
failwithf "The Day specified is not a valid December day: %d" day
| None ->
let today = DateTime.Now
if today.Month = 12 && today.Year = projectYear then
failwith "Day not specified and today is not a December day."

let templateDaySolution (day: int) (solverName: string) =
let templateContent = File.ReadAllText(templateSolutionFile)
let modifiedContent =
.Replace("[<Kodfodrasz.AoC.AdventOfCode.IgnoreSolver(\"This is a template. Delete attribute when using\")>]", "")
.Replace(sprintf "module Kodfodrasz.AoC.Year%d.DayX" projectYear, sprintf "module Kodfodrasz.AoC.Year%d.Day%d" projectYear day)
.Replace("<SOLVER_NAME>", solverName)
.Replace(" >> note \"THIS IS A TEMPLATE\"", "")

printfn "%s" modifiedContent

let templateDayTest (day: int) =
let templateContent = File.ReadAllText(templateTestFile)
let modifiedContent =
.Replace(sprintf "module private Kodfodrasz.AoC.Year%d.Tests.DayXTests" projectYear, sprintf "module Kodfodrasz.AoC.Year%d.Tests.Day%dTests" projectYear day)
.Replace(sprintf "open Kodfodrasz.AoC.Year%d.DayX" projectYear, sprintf "open Kodfodrasz.AoC.Year%d.Day%d" projectYear day)
.Replace("[<Fact(Skip=\"This is a template\")>]", "[<Fact(Skip=\"TODO\")>]")

printfn "%s" modifiedContent

let addFileToFsproj (fsproj: string) (filePath: string) =
let fsprojContent = File.ReadAllLines(fsproj)

if not( fsprojContent |> Array.exists (fun s -> s.Contains(filePath))) then
let lastCompileIndex=
Array.FindLastIndex(fsprojContent,(fun l -> l.Contains("<Compile Include=")))

if lastCompileIndex < 0 then
failwith "No <Compile Include> entries found in the .fsproj file."

let indent =
let line = fsprojContent.[lastCompileIndex]
line.Substring(0, line.IndexOf('<'))

let newEntry = sprintf "%s<Compile Include=\"%s\" />" indent filePath

let tryGetDayIndex (s:string) =
let pattern = @"<Compile Include=""Day(\d+)(Tests)?.fs"""
let m: Match = Regex.Match(s, pattern)
if m.Success then
m.Groups.[1].Value |> int |> Some

let day = tryGetDayIndex newEntry
printfn "%A = %A" day newEntry
let isDayLater s =
let entryDay = tryGetDayIndex s
Option.map2 ((>)) day entryDay
|> Option.defaultValue false

let insertBeforeIndex =
|> Array.tryFindIndexBack isDayLater
|> Option.defaultValue (lastCompileIndex)
|> (+)1

let updatedFsproj =
|> Array.toList
|> List.insertAt (insertBeforeIndex) newEntry
|> String.concat "\n"

File.WriteAllText(fsproj, updatedFsproj)
eprintfn "Added entry for %s in %s" filePath fsproj
eprintfn "Already present entry for %s in %s" filePath fsproj

let fetchQuizTitle (day: int) : string =
let url = sprintf "" projectYear day
let html = HtmlDocument.Load(url)
let titleNode = html.CssSelect("body main h2").Head
match titleNode.InnerText().Split(':') |> Array.tryLast with
| Some title -> title.Trim(' ', '-')
| None -> failwith "Could not extract the title."

// Main logic
let main (argv) =
let scriptname = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()[1]
let parser = ArgumentParser.Create<CLIArgs>(programName=scriptname)
let parsedArgs = parser.Parse (argv)

let day = getDayFromArguments parsedArgs

let dayFilename = sprintf "Day%d.fs" day
let dayFilepath = sprintf "Kodfodrasz.AoC.Year%d/%s" projectYear dayFilename
if not <| File.Exists(dayFilepath) then
let title = fetchQuizTitle day
printfn "Quiz title for day %d: %s" day title

let daySolution = templateDaySolution day title
addFileToFsproj solutionsFsproj dayFilename

let dayTestFilename = sprintf "Day%dTests.fs" day
let dayTestFilepath = sprintf "Kodfodrasz.AoC.Year%d.Tests/%s" projectYear dayTestFilename
if not <| File.Exists(dayTestFilepath) then
printfn "Rendering test"
let dayTestSolution = templateDayTest day
addFileToFsproj testsFsproj dayTestFilename
printfn "Tests exists"

// templateDayTest day
// addFileToFsproj testsFsproj (sprintf "Day%dTests.fs" day)
printfn "Day %d setup completed successfully." day
| :? ArguParseException as e -> eprintfn "%s" e.Message; 127
| ex ->
eprintfn "Error: %s" ex.Message

//main Command
let argv =
|> Array.skip 2 // 1 for fsi.dll, another for the script name
main argv

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