My personal dotfiles using powerlevel10k and iterm2-material-design.
- Log into the App Store for the
utility to work
Copy SSH keys
Checkout and run dotfiles installer (including private dotfiles)
git clone [email protected]:koengsen/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles && ~/.dotfiles/
- Keyboard
- Function keys without fn
- Modifier keys
- Menu bar icons
- Wallpaper/User Icon/Screensaver
- Install VS Code extensions
- alexkrechik.cucumberautocomplete-2.14.1
- bungcip.better-toml-0.3.2
- editorconfig.editorconfig-0.13.0
- mauve.terraform-1.3.12
- ms-azuretools.vscode-docker-0.7.0
- ms-python.python-2019.6.24221
- ms-vscode.go-0.11.4
- ritwickdey.liveserver-5.6.1
- robinbentley.sass-indented-1.5.1
- rust-lang.rust-0.6.1
- waderyan.gitblame-3.0.1