There are four steps involved.
- Setup the seed project and seed service account.
- Setup child projects
- Setup bootstrap infrastructure
- Setup the detailed projects
Also, see the section on adding new projects.
Note: we are creating the projects using the CLI, because we are not running as part of a GCP organisation.
This step creates the seed project, required GCP APIs, billing account and Terraform state bucket. Basically everything we need to have, before we can use Terraform.
Execute ./scripts/
to run this step.
Afterward create the seed service account which is used by this repository to appy Terraform configurations.
Execute ./scripts/ to run this step.
This step creates the downstream projects and enables billing. The rest ist handled by Terraform.
Execute ./scripts/ to run this step.
This is handled by the GH Actions workflow ./github/workflows/bootstrap.yml.
This is handled by the GH Actions workflow ./github/workflows/plan.yml and ./github/workflows/apply.yml.
Adding a new project involves the following steps.
- Create the GCP project
- Add the project to the bootstrap configuration
- Add the project's TF code
Add the new project to ./scripts/ which contains the names of all projects handled by this setup.
And then execute 'Step 2: Setup child projects' from above.
Add the new project to ./bootstrap/ which details the projects. You can add the required GCP APIs and the roles needed for the SA responsible for the infrastructure.
Finally, add the project as a TF module. See for details.
Target structure is as follows:
graph LR;
Seedproject-- hosts -->SeedStateBucket;
Seedproject-- hosts -->SeedSA;
SeedSA-. creates .->ProjectSAs;
SeedSA-. creates .->Projects;
SeedSA-. creates .->ProjectStateBuckets;
ProjectSAs-. edits .->Projects;
ProjectSAs-. edits .->ProjectStateBuckets;
The automation works as follows
graph LR;
CLI-- creates -->Seedproject & SeedSA;
SeedSA-- usedIn -->GitHubActions;
GitHubActions-- terraforms -->Billing;
GitHubActions-- terraforms -->ProjectSAs & Projects & ProjectStateBuckets & ProjectInfraRepository;
Setup billing account and export its id to $BILLING_ACCOUNT. Generate a unique id and export it as $POSTFIX. E.g.,:
export POSTFIX=414xb1
./scripts/ $POSTFIX
Set GH secrets on this repo manually: