Implementations of basic distributed systems abstractions in Kompics
- Perfect Link
- Best-Effort Broadcast
- Eager Reliable Broadcast
- Casual Broadcast
- Total Order Broadcast
- Eventually Perfect Failure Detector
- Perfect Failure Detector
- Eventual Leader Election
- Consensus
- Perfect Link
- Best-Effort Broadcast
- Eager Reliable Broadcast
- Casual Broadcast
- Total Order Broadcast
- Eventually Perfect Failure Detector
- Perfect Failure Detector
- Eventual Leader Election
- Consensus
$ mvn compile
Running tests
$ mvn test
Pull Requests are very welcome! If you have questions, feel free to either create an issue or send an email to [email protected]
Note: The Scala implementations are just wrappers around the Java implementation. i.e, if you want to add a new abstraction, start with Java.
Kompics Basic Abstractions is Open Source and available under GPL v2.0