This is a toolset for parameterized model checking of threshold-guarded fault-tolerant distributed algorithms.
The tool author Igor Konnov is not developing it anymore. If you want to see new cool projects, check Quint and Apalache.
A recent survey of the techniques implemented in ByMC (and other tools) can be found in the paper at LMCS'23:
Igor Konnov ; Marijana Lazić ; Ilina Stoilkovska ; Josef Widder -
Survey on Parameterized Verification with Threshold Automata and the
Byzantine Model Checker. Logical Methods in Computer Science, January 18,
2023, Volume 19, Issue 1
Follow the references in the survey to learn more about the older techniques.
WARNING: Since this tool is using libraries that go back to 2013, it is getting harder to compile it. The easiest way to run ByMC is by downloading a virtual machine and running the tool inside VirtualBox. The latest version is ByMC 2.4.4 (at Google Drive).
- To see the tool in action, read the tutorial.
- For installation instructions, check README in the source directory.
- To see the accompanying publications, visit the tool website.
The directory layout is as follows:
-- the scripts and tool source code -
-- tool plugins -
-- set of auxiliary scripts for model checking with NuSMV, needed only to run legacy techniques -
-- various dependencies required by the tools that are hard to install automatically, needed only to run legacy techniques