WS2812 Datasheet:
WS2801 Datasheet:
Koen's Evil Vendor Kernel:
Universe Pin Mappings on Beagebone Black/White:
- 0 -> P8_45 (PRU1 R30_0)
- 1 -> P8_46 (PRU1 R30_1)
- 2 -> P8_43 (PRU1 R30_2)
- 3 -> P8_44 (PRU1 R30_3)
- 4 -> P8_41 (PRU1 R30_4)
- 5 -> P8_42 (PRU1 R30_5)
- 6 -> P8_39 (PRU1 R30_6)
- 7 -> P8_40 (PRU1 R30_7)
- 8 -> P8_27 (PRU1 R30_8)
- 9 -> P8_29 (PRU1 R30_9)
- 10 -> P8_28 (PRU1 R30_10)
- 11 -> P8_30 (PRU1 R30_11) (clock line for WS2801)
"Benchmarks" using WS281x chipset on frames per second using spidev universe count and at 256 slots
- 1 -> 127 FPS
- ...
- 10 -> 100 FPS
- ...
- 12 -> 96 FPS
Example usage (low speed virtio serial usage):
NOTE: Virtio serial doesn't support termios so no flow control, and you'll need a hacked up minicom
$ cp ws28xx-pru1-ws281x /lib/firmware/ws28xx-pru1
$ cp ws28xx-pru0 /lib/firmware/ws28xx-pru0
$ echo BB-BONE-PRU-05 > /sys/devices/bone\_capemgr.\*/slots
$ minicom -D /dev/vport0p0
PRU#0> ?
s <universe> select universe 0-11
ws2801 (firmware) -> 0-10
ws281x (firmware) -> 0-11
b blanks slots 0-255
m <val> max number of slots per universe 0-255
w <num> <v1>.<v2>.<v3> write 24-bit GRB value to slot number
l latch data out the PRU1
PRU#0> m 30
PRU#0> b
PRU#0> w 0 ff.00.00
PRU#0> w 1 00.ff.00
PRU#0> w 2 00.00.ff
PRU#0> s 1
PRU#1> b
PRU#1> w 0 ff.ff.00
PRU#1> w 1 00.ff.ff
PRU#1> w 2 ff.ff.ff
PRU#1> l
** Blinky Lights! **
Examples usage (HIGH speed ioctl/spidev usage):
$ cat /proc/misc | grep pru_leds
59 pru_leds
$ mknod /dev/pruleds0.0 c 10 59
$ echo "m 30" > /dev/vport0p0
** Install OLA and use the examples/spidev-pru.conf **
Important Notes:
- Will only build with TI 2.0.0 beta PRU compiler
- Disable HDMI out on BeagleBone Black to free up PRU pins
- "optargs=capemgr.disable_partno=BB-BONELT-HDMI,BB-BONELT-HDMIN" in /boot/uEnv.txt
- Blanking only has to be called once per universe unless you are changing slot count
- Disabling unused slots will increase FPS and reduce the data written
- After latching data updating values is locked till the transaction completes
- To avoid double buffering we have to be sure all data is written
- Accessing the same PRU shared memory will stall one or both PRUs