Release v0.39.0
✅ Issues
- 0d231b4 [plugin] do not enhance pluginMarker publication. Fixes #355
- 13748af [javadoc] make sure javadocJar is added to main publication. Fixes #354
- eaffab5 [bom] disable unnecessary artifacts for publication. Fixes #353
- 364ffc4 [base] fix display of buildInfo section. Fixes #352
- 5b41776 [base] AbstractReportingTask should not output empty values. Fixes #348
- bb98d73 [base] respect property case. Fixes #347
- a48d02d [base] check argument for null. Fixes #349
- 3922285 [cpd] typos in map output. Fixes #350
- 10d7b25 [bom] typos in map output. Fixes #351
- c3d386d [inline] adapt plugin properties . Fixes #346
- a7af587 [inline] allow plugins to be executed inline. Fixes #344
- e64b416 [plugin] support multiple plugin definitions. Fixes #151
- f1fdd06 Prepare for release
- 24c97de java-project should include errorprone
- c96e0e2 Update dependencies
- 8fb54b4 Move kordamp state classes to internal package
- 76445bc Normalize check when plugin is applied
- 85e1cb0 [inline] Base class for PropertyAdapter impls
- e581aa8 Add echo plugin
- c35b1e0 Bump version for development
- 6b39827 Update changelog
Andres Almiray