Game transition calendar written in python.
The aim of this project is to provide a day to day calendar to show
time transitions using basic animation.
By adding the relevant resources to a project, a developer can add
the calendar's functionality to their own game.
eg. Someone writing a Ren'Py Visual Novel could easily integrate the
resources in the renpy-atl folder, then call the required function to graphically
express the transition from one day to the next between scenes/labels.
There are currently 2 supported engines: Ren'Py and PyGame.
The differences between the two are as follows.
The PyGame module includes support for:
- repeating backgrounds
- SVG graphics
- multiple, non-standard resolutions
- keystroke control to change days
The Ren'Py module is:
- more portable
- well-documented
- more up to date (ie. contains more features & settings)
Simply copy the included files into the main folder of the "game" folder of your project and follow the instructions in the documentation.
Also worthy of note is the fact that the code for the PyGame module is currently much cleaner, and has been tested far more, but isn't documented.
Thorough instructions are included in the calendar.rpy file, but basically:
- Copy the files from the renpy directory into your project's game folder
When you want to invoke the calendar for the first time, set the relevant variables.
In old versions, these are: dayofweek, dayofmonth, month, direction and label_cont.
In 6.99, there's just the one variable: calDate. - Call or Jump to "calendar", depending on the version used
Instead, the PyGame module is currently a standalone demo.
Simply run the file and use the left and right arrows to back and forward between days. You can change the values in self.move(int) within moveLeft() and moveRight() to change how many days forward or backward keystrokes will take you.
In general, you should use whatever version is the newest.
At the time of writing, renpy-6.99 is the most recent version, and is compatible with Renpy version 6.99 and later. If you are running an older version of Renpy, you should update and use this version.