Working example of the TOTP authenticator. Work in progress! Refactoring needed! Localization needed.
Google authenticator authentication module for Shibboleth IdP v3.
Works conjunction with the User/Password flow. This module first calls authn/Password flow and after that flow is completed it asks token code from the user. User can also register a new token with this module.
Uses External LDAP, MongoDB(EXPERIMENTAL!) or Static for seed fetching.
Working example with Vagrant
Shibboleth IdP v3.2.x
Java 8
- Compile souce code with maven -
mvn clean package
- Copy and extract totpauth-parent/totpauth-impl/target/
Directory structure:
├── conf │ └── authn ├── edit-webapp │ └── WEB-INF │ └── lib ├── flows │ └── authn │ └── Totp └── views
- Copy conf --> $IDP-HOME/conf
- Copy edit-webapp --> $IDP-HOME/edit-webapp
- Copy flows --> $IDP-HOME/flows
- Copy views --> $IDP-HOME/views
Modify $IDP_HOME/conf/
idp.authn.flows = Password --> idp.authn.flows = Password|Totp
Add TOTP bean to $IDP_HOME/conf/authn/general-authn.xml, to the element:
"<util:list id="shibboleth.AvailableAuthenticationFlows">"
New Bean
<bean id="authn/Totp" parent="shibboleth.AuthenticationFlow"
<property name="supportedPrincipals">
<bean parent="shibboleth.SAML2AuthnContextClassRef"
c:classRef="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:TimeSyncToken" />
- run $IDP-HOME/bin/
- If you need, move that war-file to containers "webapps" directory (tomcat, jetty, etc)
- Restart container
From LDAP, MongoDB, SQL, File, REST, Dummy(static)
With default settings this plugin fetches token seeds from the attribute called "carLicense" which is multivalued (user can have multiple tokens).
You can change the source attribute by editing bean "shibboleth.authn.seedAttribute" which is defined at totp-authn-config.xml.
This plugin also assumes that your users unique userID is "uid" attribute.
This can be changed by editing bean "shibboleth.authn.userAttribute" at totp-authn-config.xml.
- Modify LDAP properties - totp-authn-beans.xml (url, userDn, password, base)
- Make sure that bean id "shibboleth.totp.seedfetcher" is pointing to "net.kvak.shibboleth.totpauth.authn.impl.seed.LdapSeedFetcher"
- Modify MongoDB properties - totp-authn-config.xml (mongoDbUrl, mongoDbName)
- Make sure that bean id "shibboleth.totp.seedfetcher" is pointing to "net.kvak.shibboleth.totpauth.authn.impl.seed.MongoSeedFetcher"
- Make sure that bean id "shibboleth.totp.seedfetcher" is pointing to "net.kvak.shibboleth.totpauth.authn.impl.seed.DummySeedFetcher"
- Register this token to your mobile device:
At the moment you need to add your token codes to the repository with external process. I will create some kind of registeration flow to the IdP.
TOTP login page has a button called "Register a new token" which triggers a new flow where users can register their tokens. ATM the button is visible to all users. Next version you can choose if the users can register new tokens.
This works at the moment only with the LDAP seedFetcher. MongoDB registeration flow is probably coming soon.
(for testing purpose) Add new Session Initiator
<SessionInitiator type="Chaining" Location="/totp" id="totp" entityID="https://IDP-ENTITY-ID">
<SessionInitiator type="SAML2" acsIndex="1" template="bindingTemplate.html" authnContextClassRef="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:TimeSyncToken"/>
After the new SessionInitiator is registered you can call your SP with https://YOUR_SP_ADDRESS/Shibboleth.sso/totp
That creates SAML 2.0 Authn Request where SP wants authnContextClassRef == urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:TimeSyncToken
So when the IdP receives that request it passes the request to the authn/Totp authentication flow (this module)