Experimental project for automatically deployment of FIDONET software using Docker and Docker-compose
Run main_script.sh and enjoy!
Ports usage:
63022 - sshd for X11 tunnel
ssh login: fido
password: 123456
Helpful arguments if you are using Xming:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Xming\Xming.exe" :0 -clipboard -multiwindow -xkblayout us,ru -xkbvariant winkeys -xkboptions grp:ctrl_shift_toggle -screen 0 800x600
Arguments for Xlaunch usage (3rd config window):
-xkblayout us,ru -xkbvariant winkeys -xkboptions grp:ctrl_shift_toggle
Enable X11 forwarding
X display location: localhost:0
- Linux
- docker
- docker-compose
- Directory /opt/fido-gui will be created automatically
- You should to create user fido on host machine!
- Husky + Binkd + QFE (1 container)