Displays results for movies using the movie db API.
The project is a simple app showing a list of the most popular movies and their details using the movie db API and the local database. Furthermore, the user has the ability to search through the movie results. The app is available online and offline.
Despite being simple in features, I wanted the project to showcase the use of the MVI design pattern and the modularise by feature approach to improve the overall architecture of the app, allowing the behaviour of the app to be super clean and unit testable.
Must do:
You have to use an API key. Feel free to use mine by adding DATABASE_API_KEY="0154126bcc52cfe539c99204454466a9"
in the local.properties
I am using ktlint for code formatting
Retrofit, Hilt, Glide, Room
For testing: mockk, showkase, Paparazzi