Prāsa is an esoteric programming language to write poems as code.
Project Website -
├── prasa-compiler // JS compiler for the language
│ ├── src
│ ├── package.json
├── dictionary // building a dictionary for syllable approximation
@param {string} poem - input string to be interpreted.
@param {Object} dictionary - The dictionary used for syllable approximation.
@param {Array} [patterns=patterns] - The patterns used in the interpretation. Defaults to the patterns defined in `patterns.js`.
result = run_interpreter("my poem", dictionary, patterns);
level: 0,
cell_value: 10,
tokens: [
type: "WORD",
value: "hello",
line: 0,
error: false,
syllable_sequence: "UI",
syllable_count: 2,
syllable_seq: "UIUI",
error: false,
is_match: true,
match_name: "Utpalamāla",
ascii: "\n",
type Token = {
type: string,
value: string,
line: number,
error: boolean,
syllable_sequence: string,
syllable_count: number,
type Line = {
level: number,
cell_value: number,
tokens: Token[],
syllable_seq: string,
error: boolean,
is_match: boolean,
match_name: string | null,
ascii: string,
type Result = Line[];
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