"In-memory data grids and caching technologies" course Capstone Project
- Docker
- JDK 11
- Available TCP ports (see description below)
The following ports should be unused so applications could bind web services:
: Demo Application8181
: Apache Ignite Spring Boot with exposed Actuator endpoints8182
: Apache Ignite REST API
Run the following script to build project and run docker containers
There will be created few docker containers:
- Cassandra
- Apache Ignite
- Demo Application
- http://localhost:8181/actuator/info - display cache stats
- http://localhost:8182/ignite?cmd=version - Apache Ignite REST API
- Product REST API
Example: http://localhost:8080/product/b6c0b6be-a69c-7229-3958-5baeac73c13d?useCache=true
Notice: you can use Swagger UI http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html