Here you will find pdfs for the lectures
- Introduction to DNA metabarcoding. - H. Kauserud
- Introduction to sequencing techniques - Rober Lyle
- Introduction to Linux - R. Logares
- Introduction to Google Colab - R. Logares
- Introduction to R - Slides - R. Logares
- Sequence cleaning
- DADA2 lecture - A.K. Krabberød
- Community Ecology - R. Logares
- Phylogenetic placement - L. Czeck
- Introduction to long-read DNA metabarcoding - M. Jamy
- Equating OTUs with Species Diversity - M. Dunthorn
- Contamination in metabarcoding studies - case: airborne eDNA - K. Bohman
- Taxonomic Assignment - M. Davey
- Case study (insect metabarcoding) - M. Davey
- Introduction to Metacoder - E. Thoen
- Networks - A. Krabberød
- Case study: metabarcoding microbial communities inhabiting dead wood in boreal forests - S. Maurice