This repository contains all necessary assets to run. it has a script called to compile and run.
Navigate to the root folder and try $ ./
Your system must be using opengl 4 and have the sdl2 dev dependency in your system or user includes.
See links for the ubuntu ppa and instructions, and installing sdl2 dev package.
The gui contains a window for adjusting flythrough camera/look at path values, speed, and manual mode. It also has a window for adjusting bezier curve points that the camera paths through. It also has a window for adjusting terrain generation parameters.
This is a non-exhaustive list of features implemented:
- An array of vertices to form a plane
- Perlin noise to create a height map
- Texture sampling and blending to color terrain
- Calculated and used normals to blend based on terrain steepness
- Bezier curve for camera position
- Bezier curve for camera look at location
- Parameterized perlin noise inputs
- Parameterized Bezier curve points
- Parameterized automatic flythrough vs. manual mode
- Skybox
Anything parameterized can be played with at runtime via the imgui windows.