Collecting and visualising data about earnings among Polish nurses.
Plans for the future:
- allow users to add a few working places at a time, with more details
- allow users to modify the data they entered
- create an interactive dashboard allowing to check wages depending on years of experience, sex, age, education, regions, workplace, etc
To activate this environment, use
conda activate nurses-earnings
To deactivate an active environment, use
conda deactivate
conda install --file requirements.txt
Python 3.8.2
cd website
flask run
cd website
$env:FLASK_APP = ""
$env:FLASK_ENV = "development" # trigger reloader on file changes
flask run
- Maps of Poland with voivodeships and counties in geojson format:
- Table with information about powiats: Source: Wikipedia -> "Lista powiatów w Polsce" accessed on 02/09/2020, CC BY-SA 3.0
Configuring postreSQL PATH variable on Windows 7
psql --username=postgres -f db.sql
psql --username=postgres -d nurses_earnings_db -f tables.sql