An HTTP client for Cloudflare API that works in Node.js, browser, and CF Workers environment.
# Install using NPM
$ npm install cloudflare-client --save
# Install using Yarn
$ yarn add cloudflare-client
Usage Example
import * as cf from "cloudflare-client";
const settings = { zoneId: "xxx", accessToken: "<CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN>" };
// Get the currently logged in / authenticated user
// https://api.cloudflare.com/#user-user-details
await cf.user(settings).get();
// Verify the user's token
// https://api.cloudflare.com/#user-api-tokens-verify-token
await cf.userTokens(settings).verify();
// Find a single DNS Record matching the search parameters
// https://api.cloudflare.com/#dns-records-for-a-zone-list-dns-records
await cf.dnsRecords(settings).find({ type: "A" });
// Get the list of DNS Records for the target zone
// https://api.cloudflare.com/#dns-records-for-a-zone-list-dns-records
await cf.dnsRecords(settings).findMany({ type: "A" });
// Get DNS Record details
// https://api.cloudflare.com/#dns-records-for-a-zone-dns-record-details
await cf.dnsRecords(settings).get("xxx");
// Create DNS record
// https://api.cloudflare.com/#dns-records-for-a-zone-create-dns-record
await cf.dnsRecords(settings).create({ type: "A", content: "", ... });
// Update DNS record
// https://api.cloudflare.com/#dns-records-for-a-zone-update-dns-record
await cf.dnsRecords(settings).update({ id: "xxx", content: "", ... });
// Patch DNS record
// https://api.cloudflare.com/#dns-records-for-a-zone-patch-dns-record
await cf.dnsRecords(settings).patch({ id: "xxx", content: "", ... });
// Delete DNS record
// https://api.cloudflare.com/#dns-records-for-a-zone-delete-dns-record
await cf.dnsRecords(settings).delete(id);