Minimal scripts to compile 2HOL/OHOL client, server and editor
Get WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) by enabling it in "Apps & features", and then in the WSL shell run the line below to compile and start the game client:
After you made changes to the client code, just run this, and it will start the new client as well:
The scripts cross-compile the client and editor for Windows on Linux, and compile the server for Linux by default.
To compile the client and editor for Linux:
(Note: running graphical apps on WSL requires additional third-party apps, e.g. Xming, to work)
./ 1
./ 1
To cross-compile the server for Windows on Linux:
./ 5
This is meant to be minimal, if you want more info:
OneLifeXcompile (where the makefile in this repo for cross-compiling for Windows on Linux came from)
Note on cross-compiling the editor
Note on compiling the editor and server