In week 4 of the Codaisseur bootcamp we worked in groups of 3 to make a app to let users test their knowledge of dog breeds.
- The app has a dog list page where it lists all the breeds, so the user can memorise the names of all the breeds.
- When you click one of the breeds on the doglist page you should go to a page that shows 10 pictures of that breed. So the user can see what a breed looks like.
- The app contains a game which shows the user a random picture of a dog and asks the user to choose the correct breed name from a list of 3 options.
- The app contains a second game where the user will get a different question type. This game shows the user the name of a breed and 3 images of dogs. The user must select the correct image that matches the breed name.
- The game starts off with only 3 breeds and should gradually increase in difficulty. When the user has a streak of 5 correct answers, the game will add another 3 breeds into the mix, and so on.
- Score and difficulty is shared between the games. If you want to start over, you can reset the score and difficulty.
- React
- Redux
- Dog API
- Practice React, Redux & React-router
- Collaboration using git
- Project management using Scrum
- Incremental and iterative development