Cordova plugin for image cropping with custom aspect ratio.
- android
- iOS
Type following command from CLI to add this plugin
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-k-imagecropper
The plugin creates the object window.plugins.k.imagecropper
- open
- getImageDimension
var options = {
url: imageUrl, // required.
ratio: "6/4", // required. (here you can define your custom ration) "1/1" for square images
title: "Custom title", // optional. android only. (here you can put title of image cropper activity) default: Image Cropper
autoZoomEnabled: false // optional. android only. for iOS its always true (if it is true then cropper will automatically adjust the view) default: true
}, function(data) {
// its return an object with the cropped image cached url, cropped width & height, you need to manually delete the image from the application cache.
$scope.croppedImage = data;
}, function(error) {
var imagesArr = [
window.plugins.k.imagecropper.getImageDimension(imagesArr, function(data) {
// its return an array of object with the image url, width & height
$scope.croppedImage = data;
}, function(error) {