The objective of this website is to create a quiz for coding questions. The user may use this for studying or testing their coding knowledge. The below criteria was kept in mind when creating this quiz:
GIVEN I am taking a code quiz WHEN I click the start button THEN a timer starts and I am presented with a question WHEN I answer a question THEN I am presented with another question WHEN I answer a question incorrectly THEN time is subtracted from the clock WHEN all questions are answered or the timer reaches 0 THEN the game is over WHEN the game is over THEN I can save my initials and score
The HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code can be downloaded via the Homework-04 folder on my Github page. It can also be viewed by visiting the following URL:
This coding quiz challenge is intended for easy viewing and navigation. Click the "Start" button on the page to begin the quiz, and answer the questions that appear on the screen before the timer runs out. If an answer is incorrect, the timer will decrease by 10 seconds. Scores will be recorded in the "High Scores" section.
Samantha Rudolph - UC Berkeley Extension Instructor
Armando Osorio - UC Berkeley Extension Tutor
Please refer to MIT license.